Best Sunnah Before Sleeping

Best Sunnah Before Sleeping

Written by EquranekareemJun 27, 2024
Best Sunnah before sleeping by eQuranekareem Online Quran Academy

In a world that grows fast, finding time for adequate rest might seem like a luxury. Yet, beneath the hustle and bustle lies the key to vitality and well-being, healthy sleeping habits. Sleep is not just a necessity; it's a superpower that unlocks numerous physical and mental benefits. Therefore, it is necessary for everyone to follow the best Sunnah before sleeping.

When you do Islamic Studies, following the Sunnah the teachings and practices of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) is considered a way to seek Allah's blessings and lead a righteous life. Among the various Sunnahs, there are specific practices recommended before going to sleep that not only foster a deeper connection with Allah but also promote physical and mental well-being.

Make the Ablation Before Going to the Bed

Make the ablution before going to the bed by eQuranekreem


There are a lot of incentives for making the ablution before going to bed. Moreover, it yields huge blessings from Allah(SWT) than any other act.

  • The one who purifies himself, Allah(SWT), specifies an angel who safeguards him during the night.
  • 2.   The soul is raised to the Arsh while sleeping. The one who sleeps in purity, the soul will be allowed to make Sajdah in front of Allah, but the one who sleeps in impurity, his soul will not be allowed to bestow in front of Allah (SWT).
  • The Angles, who make wudu before sleeping, will count the good deeds the whole night. One who sleeps in wudu will also be protected from nightmares and bad dreams.
  • One who makes the wudu before sleeping will be raised as the high ranks in the Jannah and awake in the state of ablution on the day of Qiyamah.

Recite Ayat-Ul-Kursi

There are the following benefits of reciting the Ayat-ul-Kursi. These are given as follows;

  • The reading of Aya tul Kursi will retain the person safe from Shaitaan (devil).
  • The person who recites Ayat ul Kursi in the morning will be on guard until the night, and those who recite in the night will be sheltered till the morning.
  • Shitan leaves the place where Ayatul Kursi is recited.
  • The reading and reciting of Ayat ul-Kursi will protect your children from happening.
  • The recitation of Ayat-ul-kursi will safeguard your home from disaster.

Recite Surah Ikhlas, Surah Falaq, and Surah Nas

Every night before going to bed, the Prophet (PBUH) cup his palms together and blow over them after reading Surat Al-Ikhlas, Surat Al-Falaq, and Surat An-Nas, and then massage his hands over whatever portions of his body he could rub, beginning with the top of his head, face, and across his body. He tried to do it three times a day.

Dust Your Bed When You Sleep

You may wonder why we should dust our bedding. There are several advantages to doing so, some of which are listed below:

1. We shall receive prizes and blessings for following our Beloved Nabi's Sunnah.

2. Some insects may be hazardous to us; therefore, cleaning the bed would help eradicate them, insha'Allah.

3. We may have been encouraged to dust the bed with our hands, but doing so risks being stung or bit by anything; thus, using the edge of one's garment is preferable.

Zikar-e-Ilahi Before Sleeping

Refrain from speaking to anyone after Isha. Although the Holy Prophet occasionally resumed his talk after Isha, he generally banned it. There are two reasons for this:

(a) if you start chatting, you will sleep late and cannot wake up early in the morning.

(b) your attention will be diverted if the conversation concerns something other than faith. You should go to bed thinking about your religion; you will wake up thinking about it.

Working at the workplace or doing other necessary tasks after Isha is not banned. However, spending some time in Zikr before retiring to bed is preferable.

Sleep On Your Right Side

The reason is that Prophet (PBUH) forbade and cautioned us against it. "I stayed as a visitor with the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) with those of those in need whom he hosted," Ya'eesh ibn Tihfah al-Ghifaari recounted his father saying. The Messenger of Allah, the Holy Prophet(PBUH) came out in the middle of the night to check on his visitors and discovered me lying on my stomach. He continued, prodding me with his foot and saying, "Do not sleep in this way, for it is a sin, and Allah(SWT) did not like this act of sleeping."

Brushing Teeth

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized oral hygiene and encouraged brushing the teeth before sleeping. Not only does this practice ensure cleanliness and freshness, but it also prevents dental issues that may disturb sleep. Additionally, Using the Miswak (a natural tooth-cleaning twig) is another Sunnah that promotes oral hygiene and has numerous health benefits. Its antibacterial properties help maintain good dental health, and the pleasant aroma can have a soothing effect before bedtime.


Incorporating these Sunnahs into our daily bedtime routine can deepen our connection with Allah and enhance our physical and mental well-being. following  these practices allows us to start and end each day with a spiritual and mindful approach, leading to a more peaceful and restful night's sleep. May Allah grant us the wisdom and discipline to follow these Sunnahs consistently. Meanwhile, if you want to practice the Islamic Sunnah in your daily life, you may connect with eQuranekareem, an online Quran academy where a lot of religious tutors teach students all over the world. 

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