phrase Iman e Mujmal

Iman e Mujmal

Written by Equranekareem • Sep 12, 2024
Iman e Mujmal with Transliteration

Iman-e-Mujmal in English Translation

Iman e Mujmal is a concise declaration of faith that summarizes the Tawheed, the Oneness of Allah. Iman Mujmal is based on the belief in Allah with all His attributes and acceptance of His commandments verbally and wholeheartedly. Emaan-e-Mujmal is the foundation of Muslim belief and paves a path to a righteous and meaningful life.

In this blog, we will look at the meaning, translation, and significance of Imani Mujmal.

Iman e Mujmal meaning

The phrase Iman e Mujmal is composed of two Arabic words Iman and Mujmal. “Iman” means “faith” and “Mujmal” means “to sum up or to summarize”. So, the literal meaning of  Iman e Mujmal is “concise or summarised declaration of faith’’. In Islamic terms, it is witnessing the unity of Allah with all His name and attributes and bowing to His commands wholeheartedly.

Iman e Mujamal in Arabic

Iman e Mujamal in Arabic help you in reading and memorizing this declaration easily. and Iman-e-Mujmal in English Translation

Iman e Mujmal in Arabic text is written as;

اٰمَنْتُ بِاللہِ کَمَا ھُوَ بِاَسْمَآئِہٖ وَصِفَاتِہٖ وَقَبِلْتُ جَمِیْعَ اَحْکَامِہٖ اِقْرَارٌم بِاللِّسَانِ وَتَصْدِیْقٌ بِالْقَلْبِ

Iman e Mujmal Transliteration

Iman e Mujmal Transliteration will help you in reading and memorizing this declaration easily.

Aamantu Billahi Kama Huwa Bi-Asma-ihi Wa Sifatihi Wa Qabiltu Jamiia Aḥkamihi Iqrarum Bil-lisani Wa Tasdiqum Bil-qalb

Iman-e-Mujmal in English Translation

Reading Iman-e-Mujmal in English Translation allows you to understand the meaning and message of this sacred phrase of Islam. 

I believe in Allah as He is, with His names and attributes, and I accept all His judgments, with acknowledgment with the tongue and belief in the heart.

Elaboration of Iman Mujmal

Four important aspects of beliefs are mentioned in Iman Mujmal: belief in Allah, His Names, His attributes, and His commands.

Belief in Allah

The core message of  Eman-e-Mujmal is the belief in Allah as He is.  Belief in Allah means to acknowledge the fact that Allah is One and He is exalted above everything He creates. He is the sole creator and sustainer of this universe. He is the Lord and worthy of worship. No one is like Him and no one can compete with Him. 

Belief in Allah’s Names

Imani Mujmal underlines the importance of Allah’s Names. Allah has beautiful names that describe the divine qualities of Allah Almighty. Muslims need to acknowledge the names of Allah wholeheartedly. In the Holy Quran Allah says;

"Allah – there is no deity except Him. To Him belong the best names." (Qur'an 20:8)

In a Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari (6410), Hazrat Abu Huraira (R.A) narrates that the Prophet (SAW) said;

“Allah has ninety-nine Names, i.e., one hundred minus one, and whoever believes in their meanings and acts accordingly, will enter Paradise; and Allah is witr (one) and loves 'the witr' (i.e., odd numbers)”.

Belief in Allah’s Attributes

Allah has divine attributes and every Muslim should have faith in these attributes. Negation of any of the attributes means elimination from Islam. The attributes of Allah include; the One, the Perfect, the Immortal, The omnipotent, the Omniscient, and many more attributes are associated with Allah.  He is completely infinite in all of His attributes.

Allah’s Commands

Allah has revealed His commands for the guidance of human beings through the Holy Quran. In this Book, Allah allows the believers to do the right and to refrain from the unlawful. He draws a line between Halal and Haram. It is the obligation of every Muslim to enter Islam fully by abiding by his commands and avoiding negations. Allah says in the Holy Quran;

Believers! Enter Islam fully, and do not follow in the footsteps of Satan; he is your sworn enemy (Al-Baqarah: 208)

Emaan-e-Mujmal–Phases of Iman

Along with belief in Allah with His names and attributes, Emaan-e-Mujmal also emphasizes acknowledging this sacred phrase with the phases of Iman (faith). Iman has two phases that include the “verbal profession-Iqrar Bil Lisaan and “heartfelt conviction”-Tasdeeq Bil Qalb.

A verbal profession of Iman Mujmal is the condition of entering Islam and the true Iman will emerge when that belief permeates deep into inner conviction. 

So, the phraseIqrarum Bil-Lisani Wa Tasdiqum Bil-Qalb means to recite Imani Mujmal verbally and adopt its teaching practically in our daily lives. The underlying message of this prayer is to believe in God’s Divine commands and carry out the messages revealed to us through the Angels, Books, and Prophets as mentioned in Iman e Mufassal, and to practice the commandments such as Salah, Zakah, fasting, and Hajj and avoid everything that Allah has forbidden such as shirk, adultery, and disobedience of parents.

It is important to remember that the commands of Allah can only be carried out by following the Sunnah of our Holy Prophet (SAW). Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is the last Prophet of Allah and conveyed to us the complete Deen which is the source of guidance till the last day of the universe. Allah says in the Holy Quran;

“Surely the Messenger is a beautiful example for him who has hope in Allah and the Day of Judgment.” (33:21)

Significance of Iman Mujmal

Iman Mujmal, the concise declaration of faith acts as the cornerstone of the edifice of Islam. This declaration affirms the one’s Iman by reinforcing the concept of Tauheed. Emaan-e-Mujmal emphasizes four important aspects of the Tawheed. Belief in Allah, His name, Attributes, and embracing His commands with tongue and by heart. He has beautiful names, we must have firm belief in His attributes and names as we believe in His existence

Iman e Mujamal  includes Reinforces Tawheed Provides Guidance and Belief in Allah’s Attributes

The benefits of Imane Mujmal  

This declaration guides Muslims in their faith and daily practice. The benefits of Imane Mujmal are numerous. It aids in every aspect of life. 

Reinforces Tawheed

Iman Mujmal in essence is the reinforcement of the Tawheed. It reminds the reciter that Allah is the creator and sustainer of this universe. This concept in the mind compels Muslims to abide by the rules and regulations bestowed on us by Him. 

Provides Guidance 

In Imani Mujmal, one gives testimony to follow all the commands of Allah. Embracing this declaration provides guidance to live a purposeful life. It helps in abiding by the commandments and prohibitions of Allah. In this dua, Allah has commanded us to obey righteous matters and prohibit the unlawful. 

Belief in Allah’s Attributes

Allah has beautiful attributes. These attributes are only specified for Him no other is a partner to Him. Believing in attributes like Oneness, Mercifulness, Beneficence, and worth of worship plays an important role in an individual’s life. By embracing these qualities, Muslims negate all other power in the world and bow only in front of Allah Almighty.


Iman e Mujmal serves as a concise statement that summarizes a core Islamic belief- Tawheed.It is integral to a Muslim's spiritual journey, shaping their belief and practice and augmenting their faith. It paves the way for a meaningful life in alignment with Islamic teachings.

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