
Quran Verses Translation in English

Written by Equranekareem • Feb 21, 2025

The Holy Quran is a Sacred revelation and is preserved in its entirety till the last day. Although revealed in Arabic, it has been translated into many languages. The Quran word by word translation serves as a means of spreading Allah’s message to all humanity beyond Arabic speakers. Among other languages, Quran verses translation in English is meant to reach divine messages to a wide audience as it is understood globally. 

Can the Quran be Translated into English?

The Holy Quran has been translated into the world’s major languages including the English translation of Quran book. However, the question “Can the Quran be translated” has been a topic of discussion among Muslim Scholars for decades. 

Muslim scholars agree that the Quran is untranslatable. Translating the Quran into any language can isolate its true essence and spiritual and linguistic richness. Therefore, the Quran verses translation in English or any other language is solely the interpretation of the words of God that can help in understanding its meaning. 

While easy English Quran translation helps in understanding its meaning, Scholars argue that it is not allowed to publish a Quran translation without its Arabic text. 

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History of English Translation of Quran Book

As the Quran is translated into many languages, the first English translation of Quran Book was done by Alexander Ross in 1649 with the title ‘The Alcoran of Mahomet’. It was inspired by the French translation of Du Ryer. Ross’s translation was biased because his understanding of Arabic was not sufficient to translate directly from Arabic text nor his French was good.

History of english translation of Quran

George Sale, in 1734, did the Noble Quran English translation directly from the Arabic text, titled “The Koran”. 

In 1861, J. M. Rodwell translated the Quran into English language. In his remarkable work, he restored the chronological order of the verses of the Quran. His work on the verses of Quran in Arabic with English translation is still in print today. 

Edward Henry Palmer's translation of the Qur'an was published in 1880 as part of The Sacred Books of the East series.

Arthur J. Arberry's translation of the Holy Quran titled “The Koran Interpreted” was published in 1905. His translation is close to the original Arabic Grammatically.  

Mohammad Abdul Hakim was the first non-Westner, Indian Muslim, to publish the best English translation of Quran in 1905. 

Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall was a British Muslim translator of the Quran whose translation was published in 1930. His translation of the Holy Script was titled “The Meaning of the Glorious Quran”  and was published with Arabic text.  Marmaduke Pickthall’s work was highly significant not only because he was a Westerner who converted to Islam but also because he was highly educated and intellectual.  

The Quran translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali is considered the Quran best translation published in 1937. His work was highly admired and the translation was designated as the official English translation of the Holy Quran in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 

N. J. Dawood, an Iraqi Jewish, translated the holy Book into English in 1956. His translation is considered the simplest and the best Quran translation in English for non-Muslims. 

Types of Translation of the Quran 

The Quran translation is the act of translating original Arabic text into other languages. The Quran word for word translation can be done in two ways. 

Literal Translation of the Quran

Literal translation of the Quran refers to transferring the Arabic text of the Quran to English word by word. This type of translation focuses on translating words, phrases, and letters without interpreting them. 

It helps the reader to get an accurate and concise concept of the verses of the Quran. 

Interpretative Translation of the Quran 

The interpretative translation of the Quran refers to the translation of the Quranic verses in the context of their historical, cultural, and religious perspective. The objective of interpretative Quranic verses with English translation is to provide an unequivocal explanation of the Quranic concepts. It helps in studying the Holy deeply within the context of the revelation of verses and chapters.  

Importance of the Quran Word By Word Translation in English

The main objective of the revelation of the Quran is to guide all humans toward the right path. To convey the Quran's message to all humans it is important to do the Quran word by word translation in languages that they can understand. The word to word translation of Quran in English is an important aspect of providing a divine message to a wide audience globally. Here are some of the important aspects of why the Quran should be translated.

Importance of the Quran word by word translation in english

Correct Understanding of the Quran’s Message

Reciting the Holy Quran holds high virtue in Islam. However, understanding the underlying message of divine verses is much more important. For non-Arabic speakers, it is challenging to understand the meaning of Quran verses. The noble Quran English translation can help Muslims around the globe to get the correct understanding of the Quran’s message. 

Mean of Spreading Islam

The Quran is revealed not only to Muslims. It is a means of enlightenment for all human beings till the end of the universe. A full Quran with English translation is necessary to convey its message to non-Muslims and those who are unaware of the right path. It can help in spreading Islam throughout the world. 

Preservation of Islamic Culture 

The Holy Quran is a divine book and guides about every aspect of life. It is the foundation of Islamic culture, tradition, moral values, and spirituality. A good English translation of the Quran assists in the preservation and dissemination of Islamic culture and tradition. 

Source of Interpretation 

The Holy Quran is a holistic yet concise book. Its meaning and context can’t be understood without translating its verses. Word to word translation of Quran in English is inevitable to interpret the verses of the holy book. 

Conditions for the Best English Translation of The Quran 

The noble Quran English translation is a sacred but challenging job. It is a sensitive issue as minor mistakes in translation can drastically change the meaning and context of the verse of the Quran. Therefore, some conditions have to be met to do an accurate and Best English translation of the Quran.

Conditions for the best english translation of the quran

Proficiency In Language 

Translating the Quran is a sensitive subject. Therefore, the translator should be proficient in the Arabic language and be able to convey messages in English smoothly. The Quranic verses with English translation should be free of mistakes lingually, grammatically, and semantically. A little negligence in translation can change the meaning and is a sin. 


The Holy Quran is an unbiased book and Word by word translation Quran needs the unbiasedness of the translator. The biases and prejudice can mold the meaning of the verses and distract the readers. 

Historical Mastery

The verses of the Quran are revealed at different times and have different contexts. To do a correct Al Quran Al Karim word by word translation, a translator should have a deep understanding of the history and events that occurred during the revelation period of the Quran. 

Cultural Understanding 

The translator must be aware of Islamic culture, traditions, customs, legal rulings, and principles of living. Oblivion of cultural understanding will make the Quran book English translation imbalanced and prejudiced.  


Quran verses translation in English is the source of conveying divine messages to a wide audience globally, helping them to understand and embrace the commands of Allah. There are some best English Quran translationsthat can be studied to understand the Quran unequivocally. As a Muslim, it is an obligation to study the Quranand teach our kids how to translate the holy Script.

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