Surah Balad

Surah Balad, the 90th chapter of the Holy Quran, concludes various subject matters concisely. Surah Al Balad is a concise but powerful chapter with lessons ranging from faith, and guidance on dealing with difficulty and adversity with patience. The theme of Surah e Balad hinges on the sanctity of Makkah, the true position of humans in this world, Allah’s bounties, and men’s authority to choose the right or wrong path.
This blog will explore the meaning of Surah Balad, its theme and subject matters, and Surah Balad benefits.
Meaning of Surah Al Balad
To understand the theme of Balad Surah, it is important to know the meaning of Surah Al Balad. Surah refers to the chapter of the Holy Quran and ‘Balad’ means ‘the City’ and it appears in the first verse of this chapter. The city-Balad in this chapter refers to the Sacred City of Makkah Mukarramah. It gets its name because Allah swears of the sanctity of the Holy City in the opening verse of the chapter.
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Basic Information About Surah Al Balad
Surah Al Balad is a means of guidance, spiritual elevation, and salvation. Every Muslim should know basic information about this chapter and embrace its teachings. Below we provide you with information about Surat Al Balad

Surah Al Balad in Arabic
The Holy Quran should be recited in the language it is revealed. Surah Al Balad in Arabic textis written as;

لَاۤ اُقْسِمُ بِهٰذَا الْبَلَدِ (1) وَ اَنْتَ حِلٌّۢ بِهٰذَا الْبَلَدِ (2) وَ وَالِدٍ وَّ مَا وَلَدَ (3) لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْاِنْسَانَ فِیْ كَبَدٍ (4) اَیَحْسَبُ اَنْ لَّنْ یَّقْدِرَ عَلَیْهِ اَحَدٌ (5) یَقُوْلُ اَهْلَكْتُ مَالًا لُّبَدًا (6) اَیَحْسَبُ اَنْ لَّمْ یَرَهٗۤ اَحَدٌ (7) اَلَمْ نَجْعَلْ لَّهٗ عَیْنَیْنِ (8) وَ لِسَانًا وَّ شَفَتَیْنِ (9) وَ هَدَیْنٰهُ النَّجْدَیْنِ (10) فَلَا اقْتَحَمَ الْعَقَبَةَ(11) وَ مَاۤ اَدْرٰىكَ مَا الْعَقَبَةُ (12) فَكُّ رَقَبَةٍ(13) اَوْ اِطْعٰمٌ فِیْ یَوْمٍ ذِیْ مَسْغَبَةٍ (14) یَّتِیْمًا ذَا مَقْرَبَةٍ (15) اَوْ مِسْكِیْنًا ذَا مَتْرَبَةٍ (16) ثُمَّ كَانَ مِنَ الَّذِیْنَ اٰمَنُوْا وَ تَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ وَ تَوَاصَوْا بِالْمَرْحَمَةِ (17) اُولٰٓىٕكَ اَصْحٰبُ الْمَیْمَنَةِ (18) وَ الَّذِیْنَ كَفَرُوْا بِاٰیٰتِنَا هُمْ اَصْحٰبُ الْمَشْــٴَـمَةِ (19) عَلَیْهِمْ نَارٌ مُّؤْصَدَةٌ (20)
Surah Balad Transliteration
Transliteration of the Quranic verses helps you to read Arabic verses in your language. Surah Balad Transliteration allows you to recite this chapter proficiently by converting Arabic script into your language script. We will help you by providing Surah Al Balad transliteration in Roman English.
Laaa Uqsimu Bihaazal Balad, Wa Anta Hillum Bihaazal Balad, Wa Waalidiw Aa Maa Walad, Laqad Khalaqnal Insaana Fee Kabad, Ayahsabu Al-lai Yaqdira Alaihi Ahad,Yaqoolu Ahlaktu Maalal Lubadaa, Ayahsabu Al Lam Yarahooo Ahad, Alam Naj'al Lahoo Aynayn, Wa Lisaanaw Wa Shafatayn, Wa Hadaynaahun Najdayn, Falaq tahamal-Aqabah, Wa Maaa Adraaka Mal-aqabah, Fakku Raqabah, Aw It'aamun Fee Yawmin Zee Masghabah, Yateeman Zaa Maqrabah, Aw Miskeenan Zaa Matrabah, Summa Kaana Minal Lazeena Aamanoo Wa Tawaasaw Bissabri Wa Tawaasaw Bilmarhamah, Ulaaa'ika As-haabul Maimanah, Wallazeena Kafaroo Bi Aayaatinaa Hum As-haabul Mash'amah, Alaihim Naarum Mu'sadah
Surah Balad Translation
Translating the Arabic text of the Quran into other languages plays a crucial role in imparting its teachings. Surah Balad translation into different languages will lend a helping hand in understanding the teachings of this Surah. Below you will get the translation of the Surah Balad PDF.
Surah Al Balad English Translation
The Quran's English translation inevitably conveys its message to a wide audience. Surah Al Balad English translation will assist English speakers in unearthing the underlying message of the chapter. We will provide you with the PDF of Surah Al Balad translation in English.
I swear by this city, and (O Prophet,) you are going to be allowed (to fight) in this city-, and by the father and all those he begot, indeed We have created man (to live) in hard struggle. Does he think that no one has power over him? He says, “I have spent a lot of wealth.”, Does he think that no one has seen him?, Did We not make for him two eyes, and one tongue and two lips, and showed him the two ways? Yet he did not make his way through the steep course, And what may let you know what the steep course is?,(It is) freeing of the neck of a slave, or giving food in a day of hunger, to an orphan near of kin, or to a needy person lying in dust, then he did not join those who believe and advise each other to be patient and advise each other to be merciful. Those are the People of the Right Hand. (i.e. their books of deeds will be given in their right hands), As for those who reject Our verses, they are the People of the Left Hand. (i.e. their books of deeds will be given in their left hands.), Upon them will be the Fire, enveloping them with closed exits.
Surah Al Balad Translation in Urdu
Urdu is widely understood and spoken in Pakistan. Surah Al Balad translation in Urdu will help Urdu-speaking Muslims to get the message and teaching of this impactful chapter. You can also download Surah Al Balad With Urdu translation in the PDF below.
Reason for Revelation of Sura Balad
Sura Balad is Makki surah which was revealed in the early Makkan period. It was a period of severe Muslim persecution at the hands of disbelievers of Makkah. Surat Al Balad was sent down to warn the disbelievers of Makkah (Quraish) and to remind people of the reality of life, the bounties of Allah, and responsibilities to the orphans, poor, and slaves.
Theme and Subject of Surah Balad
Surah Balad holds a jewel of wisdom in its tapestry. It clearly describes the ideology of human life. The theme of Surah 90 of the Holy Quran is based on a diverse subject matter. Here we will describe the theme of this chapter in detail.

The Sacred City
In the opening verse of Sura Balad, Allah swears an oath of the sacred city (لَاۤ اُقْسِمُ بِهٰذَا الْبَلَدِ). The sacred city refers to the city of Makkah. This city is sacred, firstly, because of the presence of the house of Allah for centuries. It was built by Hazrat Ibraheem A.S. with His son Hazrat Ismaeel A.S. Secondly because the Holy Prophet was a resident of this city.
The Holy Prophet SAW said about the sacredness of this city;
"Allah has made this town a sanctuary since the day He created the Heavens and the Earth. So, it is a sanctuary by Allah's Decree till the Day of Resurrection”. (Sahih
al-Bukhari 3189)
Parent and Offspring
In the third verse of Al Balad Surah (90 /3), Allah mentions and taking the oath of father and offspring ( وَ وَالِدٍ وَّ مَا وَلَدَ ). This verse has been interpreted differently by scholars. One school of thought argues that it is about Hazrat Ibrahim A.S. and His son Hazrat Ismael A.S. who built the house of Allah in the barren land of Makkah and made it a source of guidance for all humans to come till the last day. Others mention that it is about Hazrat Adam A.S., who is the father and all human beings are His offspring.
Human Life
Surah al Balad Ayat 4 highlights the hardships and difficulties of human life. Allah says indeed ‘We have created man (to live) in hard struggle’ (لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْاِنْسَانَ فِیْ كَبَدٍ). This verse in the Quran Surah Balad highlights the reality of the mortal life of this world. Humans have to struggle to achieve in life. Throughout his life, men strive to collect wealth, money, and assets in pursuit of happiness. But in the end, the human realizes that all he did is a futile attempt.
Allah’s Blessings
Surah Al Balad Ayat 8 highlights Allah’s blessings bestowed upon human beings. It draws men’s attention to look into their inner self and remember the blessings of Allah. In this verse, Allah mentions eye, lips, and tongue as the greatest gift for human beings.
- The Two Eyes: The Quran says, ‘Did We not make for him two eyes’, (اَلَمْ نَجْعَلْ لَّهٗ عَیْنَیْنِ ). Eyes are one of the greatest gifts of Allah, enabling us to see everything. Without eyes, human life would have been full of agony.
- The Tongue: Tongue helps us talk to each other. It is a medium to taste the food and enjoy the variety of foods Allah has bestowed upon us.
- The Two Lips: the word وَّشَفَتَیْنِ refers to two lips in Surah 90 Al Balad Ayat 9. This verse makes us think about trivial organs like lips. From speaking to eating, and protection, the two lips help us in many aspects of life.
The Two Ways
In verse 10 of Balad Surah of the Quran, Allah Almighty highlights the two ways He showed to human beings–And showed him the two ways (وَهَدَیْنٰهُ النَّجْدَیْنِ). The two paths are of good and evil, virtue and vice. It is the authority of humans to choose either way out of their knowledge and reasoning. Out of these paths, one is difficult and the other is easy.
The Difficult Path
The word Aqabah عَقَبَةَ in verse 11 of the Balad Surah refers to difficult steep. Steep is a narrow path between mountains that protects warriors from enemy attack and helps in ascending to height. So, people who choose the difficult path will attain moral and spiritual heights and be protected from evils and sins. The attributes of the difficult path mentioned in Surah 90 Al Balad are;
- Freeing Slaves فَكُّ رَقَبَةٍ: Verse of 13 Surat al Balad mentions freeing of slaves as the attribute of the righteous people. Freeing someone’s neck from slavery has high virtue according to Hadith.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Whoever frees a Muslim slave, Allah will save all the parts of his body from the (Hell) Fire as he has freed the body parts of the slave." (Sahih al-Bukhari 2517)
- Feeding Needy: Feeding the needy on a day of starvation and hunger is an act that elevates humans morally and spiritually.
- Feeding Relative Orphans: Feeding orphans have high virtue in Islam. Verse 15 of the Quran Surah Balad emphasizes feeding orphans among relatives and it is the path of virtuous people.
People with the right path will be rewarded with divine blessings and will enter paradise felicitously.
Easy Path
The easy path is vicious. People who choose this path plunge into the abyss of moral and spiritual depravity in this world and will taste the torment in hellfire. They are destined to live there forever.
Benefits of Surah Balad
The recitation of the Holy Quran has several spiritual and physical benefits. It not only ignites humility and gratitude in believers but also helps them face the challenges of life wholeheartedly. Here are some of the benefits of Surah Balad.

Cultivates Gratitude
Every word of the Holy Quran holds the pearl of wisdom. Reading and reciting Surah al Balad 1-20 cultivates gratitude in believers. It reminds the reality of human life and the blessings Allah has bestowed upon us.
Mental Peace
The verses of the Quran have healing properties. Listening to Surah Balad audio has a positive impact on mental health. It provides mental peace and solace. Surah al Balad recitation helps you get rid of worldly worries and complexities.
Guide to Right Path
The Quran guides us to the right path. Surah al Balad Ayats hold immense guidelines to live a righteous life. It shows us two paths– the right and the wrong and highlights the consequences of choosing either of the paths. Those who chose the right path will enter Jannah and those who preferred this world over the hereafter will be thrown into the hellfire and will remain there forever.
Self Recognition
Understanding Surah Balad word by word makes us realize the blessings of Allah and pave a path for self-recognition. The deeper we understand this chapter, the better we will get to know about ourselves.
Surah Balad is a short chapter of the Holy Quran with deep lessons for believers. It precisely highlights the reality of human life which is created into toil and hardships. The Surah calls believers to have faith in Allah, have patience, and show compassion toward Muslims who are helpless. As Muslims, we must learn Surah al Balad with tajweed and teach it to our kids

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