Surah Fajr, the 89th chapter of the Holy Quran with meaning Of Surah Al Fajr

Surah Fajr-The Dawn

Written by Equranekareem • Oct 14, 2024
Surah Fajr-The Dawn with all necessary basic Information About Surah e Fajar and Surah Fajr Translation in different languages

Surah Fajr, the 89th chapter of the Holy Quran talks about the rise and fall of nations and their accountability on the Day of Judgment. The main audience of Surah Al Fajr was the arrogant and tyrant pagan leaders of Makkah. Surah Fajar criticizes the materialistic attitude of the people which makes them oblivion of the moral good and character. This surah considers worldly achievement as mortal. Embracing the message of Surat al-Fajr is the source of success in this world and hereafter.

Meaning Of Surah Al Fajr

Surah, as we know well, refers to the chapter of the Holy Quran and Al Fajr is the Arabic word that means “the Dawn”. The Meaning of Surah Al Fajr in English means the chapter about the dawn. It gets its name because, at the beginning of this surah, Allah takes the oath of the dawn.

Basic Information About Surah e Fajar

Basic Information About Surah e Fajar and  Surah e Fajar important facts

Surah Al Fajr In Arabic

The entire Quran is revealed in Arabic. Reciting it in the original script holds paramount significance. Surah Al Fajr is a small chapter you can easily read it. Here we provide Surah Fajr PDF to help you easily access this surah.

Surah Al Fajr Transliteration

Transliteration helps to read the original text of the language in your language. Surah Al Fajr transliteration assists you in reading this chapter in your native language without changing the pronunciation and meaning of the world.

Surah Fajr Translation

Incorporating the meaning and message of the Quran into our daily lives is a basic objective of the revelation of the Holy Script. But non-Arabic readers can’t get the message easily.

Therefore, it needs to be translated. Surah Fajr Translation lends a helping hand to understanding the message of this chapter.

Surah Fajr English Translation

English is a widely spoken language. Surah Fajr English translation provides an opportunity for a wide audience to get the message of this chapter. You can download Surah Al Fajr PDF with the English translation below.

Surah Al Fajr With Urdu Translation

Muslims of Pakistan read and speak Urdu as the national language. Many scholars have worked on translating the Holy Quran. Surah Al Fajr With Urdu Translation aids native Urdu speakers to deeply understand the message of the surah.

Download Surah Al Fajr PDF

Context of The Revelation of Surah e Fajr

Surah e Fajr contains short, meaningful, and awakening verses with abundant warnings. It was revealed in the Makkan period. This surah was sent down at a time when the Makkan disbeliever’s persecution of newly converted Muslims was rising. On this account, the mushriks of Makkah have been warned of the appalling end of the tribes of A’ad, Thamud, and of Pharaoh (Firaoun).

Theme of Surat Al-Fajr

Main theme of Surat Al-Fajr refers to the Al Fajr– The Dawn, The Ten Nights  and The Even And The Odd

In Surat Al-Fajr, Allah swears by the signs of his creation and warns disbelievers of strict punishment 

Al Fajr– The Dawn

Allah swears the oath of the dawn at the beginning of this chapter. Scholars have interpreted that dawn is the time when humans awake from deep slumber and it reminds the resurrection of humans on the Day of Judgment. Others have elaborated that Al Fajr refers to Islam which brought the light of guidance in the world.

The Ten Nights 

The oath of ten nights by Allah has been much debated in Muslim circles. Some scholars say that it is about the last ten nights of Ramazan while others comment that it is about the first ten nights of Dhul Hijjah when Hajj is performed. Both categories of nights are blessed nights, especially in seeking forgiveness for sins and earning the reward of paradise.

The Even And The Odd

Mufassirs have explained the swear of even and odd in different ways. One of the popular interpretations is that: Even refers to Allah’s creations. He created everything in pairs such as man and woman, sun and moon, and Odd (without a pair) refers to Allah alone. So Allah Almighty swears by the creation and Himself.

The Story of Three Nations

Surat Al-Fajr conclusively reprimands the leaders of the Quraysh for the rebellious attitude and arrogant behavior they have adopted toward Muslims. Allah takes the oath of the dawn, the ten days, and the even and the odd to show His miracles to disbelievers. Then He gives the example of an appalling destination of three arrogant nations who denied the words of Allah. The three nations are;

  1. Aa’d– The Nation of Hud A.S.
  2. Thamud (Samud)--The Nation of Salih A.S.
  3. Pharaoh (Firaoun)


Surat Fajr highlights the fate of the rebellious people of Aad.

The people of Aad lived in the South of Arabia (between Yemen and Oman) and were physically strong. They were skillful in constructing huge buildings and high towers. They were ruled by unjust and tyrannical rulers. Their power and physical well-being made them arrogant and rebellious against Allah. The people of Aad worshipped many gods. Hazrat Hud A.S. was sent to them to preach the teachings of Allah. Instead of accepting His teaching, they started mockery of the messenger of Allah. They named Him a crazy lunatic. Seeing the rebellious attitude of the people of Aad Allah decided to confer torment on them.

Hud A.s. and his nation waited for Allah’s promise. A drought spread throughout the land, the sun scorched everything, and it didn’t rain for a long time. Hud A.S. warned them again but all in vain. One day the sky filled with clouds, and they hoped for rain, but the conditions changed. A strong gale increased day by day. The people of Aa’d fled to hide but could not escape. The gale destroyed everything. It penetrated the apertures of the human body and destroyed it. The torment raged for eight days and seven nights.

Allah states in the Quran;

“And as for 'Ad, - they were destroyed by a furious violent wind which Allah imposed on them for seven nights and eight days in succession so that you could see men lying overthrown (destroyed) as if they were hollow trunks of palm trees’’! (69: 6-7)

Thamud (Samud)

The second nation Allah mentions in Surat ul Fajr is Thamud.

The people of Thamud were the successors of the Aad. They were wealthy and powerful. They built buildings by carving the hills and also building on land. The people of Thamud cultivated the fertile land and benefited from it. At the same time, they lost the sense of right and wrong. They were arrogant of their wealth and worshiped many gods.

Allah sent Hazrat Saleh A.S as a messenger for their guidance. Hazrat Saleh A.S was considered a nobleman among them. He preached to them the teaching of Allah but they did not pay heed to it. Rather they turned against Him. They asked for a miracle as proof of his righteousness. 

Allah sent a she-camel miraculously, which appeared from a mountain. According to Allah’s command, she would consume a lot of water and be able to give milk that all people of the land could feed. And it happened in reality. Saleh A.S. told his people that the she-camel was a sign from God and instructed them to let her feed on earth and not harm her. If they do that, they will face Allah’s punishment. People turned a blind ear to the command of Allah, they complained that she consumed too much water and killed the she-camel. They turned to Saleh A.S. and dared Him to bring what he had promised them- Allah’s punishment. He gave them three days and warned them of appalling punishment. 

After three days the sky lit with thunderstorms followed by an earthquake that shook everything.

The shriek seized those who did wrong. They fell like a corpse and sealed their fate. 

Allah mentions in the Holy Quran;

“And the shriek seized those who had wronged, and they became within their homes [corpses] fallen prone as if they had never prospered therein. Unquestionably, Thamūd denied their Lord; then, away with Thamūd”. (11:67-68)

 Pharaoh (Firaoun)

In Sura Fajr, Allah gives the example of Pharaoh to warn those who are tyrants and arrogant.

 Pharaoh was a tyrant, arrogant, and pseudo-god of ancient Egypt. When he came to know that an Israelite would bring  Pharaoh’s death, he ordered to kill all newborn babies. But with the command of Allah, Hazrat Musa A.S nurtured at his home. 

When matured Allah sent Him as a Prophet to preach Firaoun and his nation. But, they refused Musa A.S. and asked for a miracle. Allah bestowed a magical staff to Hazrat Musa when He put it on the ground it turned into a snake. Following it, Pharaoh called his magician to expose Musa as a pretender, but the Musa’s A.S staff engulfed their snakes and shook them. Pharaoh still refused to accept God’s message. 

When all plans of Pharaoh failed, he started the persecution of Hazrat Musa A.S. and His followers. Musa A.s. decided to flee His land with his followers. When He was leaving for the river Nile to cross it to reach the other land, Pharaoh followed them on the bank of the river. 

Musa A.S. hit the river with His Staff and a path emerged on the surface of the river by the command of Allah, allowing them to escape. When Firaoun and his army reached the middle of the river, they drowned as the path closed. Hence, the pride of the tyrant ruler diminished forever.

Significance of Surah Fajar

Surah Fajar reminds us of creation and the signs of Allah in the world about which we must ponder over his greatness and glory. It reinforces the fate of wrongdoers despite being wealthy and powerful. The example of three nations proves that the universe is run by a just creator who inflicts rewards according to their deeds. This Surah concludes that accountability shall certainly be held. This chapter guides us to be meek and follow the commands of the Almighty.

Surah Al Fajr Benefits

Surah Al Fajr Benefits including Spiritual and Worldly Benefits

Allah revealed the Holy Book for the guidance of humans in this world and success in the hereafter. Recitation of the Holy script has both spiritual and worldly benefits. Let’s discuss Surah Al Fajr benefits.

Spiritual Benefits

Recitation of this chapter brings unimaginable spiritual benefits.

Spiritual Guidance

Success lies in purifying the souls. The souls can be purified by abating arrogancy, pride, and disobedience of Allah. Surah e Fajar guides us spiritually by mentioning the fate of tyrant nations. It leads us to obey Allah's commands and achieve a high rank in spirituality.

Barakah in Life

Reciting Surah e Fajar brings barakah (divine blessings) into the life of readers. It is mentioned by Islamic scholars that the dawn (Fajr) is a time of divine mercy and blessing, and reciting this surah at this time increases its divine benefits.

Forgiveness Of Sins

Sins burden the human conscience and forgiveness lightens the burden. The utterance of the Sura Fajr serves as a means of forgiveness. In a HadithProphet Muhammad(Saw) says that;

“ Whoever recites surah Fajr in the first ten days of the lunar Islamic month of Dhu al-Ḥijjah, their sins will be forgiven, and if they recite it at other times, it will be a source of illumination for them on Qiyamah.” (Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 24, p. 93.)

Worldly Benefits

Recitation of Sorah Fajr possesses numerous worldly benefits.

Surat ul Fajr Increases Sustenance (Rizq)

Humans have always been struggling for sustenance. They do hard work to meet daily needs. Muslims are blessed that they are gifted with the Quran which has the power to transmute life.  The regular recitation of Surat ul Fajr increases Rizq, especially in the morning time.

Stress Management

The recitation of rhythmic words of Surah wal Fajr has a soothing impact on human minds. It is proved that the rhythmical nature of the Quran’s verse relieves the reader from anxiety and puts them in a state of calmness helping in stress management.

Knowledge of History

 Surat ul Fajr highlights the story of the past nations, enlightening us about the far history. The deep study of this chapter brings the incidents of great nations of time to the limelight and warns us about the fate of disbelievers.


Surah fajr affirms the rewards and punishments on the Day of judgment through swearing oaths by the dawn, the ten nights, the even and the odd, and the departing night–the signs of Allah’s creation. The story of three nations reinforces the fate of disbelievers. Muslims should recite and embrace the messages of this Surah.

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