Surah Kahf, chapter 18 of the Quran

Surah Kahf

Written by Equranekareem • Sep 25, 2024
Surah Kahf Meaning pdf download and Surah al Kahf Translation in Different Languages

surah kahf, chapter 18 of the Quran hinges on four different stories-men of the cave, a man with two gardens, Hazrat Musa (AS) and Hazrat Khizar (AS), and Dhul-Qarnain. Each story of Surah e Kahaf disseminates different lessons, offering a rich series of wisdom and guidance. Surah 18 of the Quran consists of deep narratives and enduring lessons guiding believers to navigate through the challenges and uncertainties of life.

Surah Kahf Meaning

Let’s first know the Surah Kahf Meaning. The word Surah in Arabic refers to the chapters of the Quran and ‘Kahf’ means ‘the cave’. So, the Surah al Kahf meaning can be understood as the chapter about the cave. Because this chapter consists of a story about men of the cave, therefore, it is termed as Surah Al Kahf.

Basic Information About Sourat Alkahf

 Sourat Alkahf is one of the impactful chapters of the Quran Kareem. Muslims should know the basic information about this surah.

Basic Information About Sourat Alkahf

Surah Kahf Arabic Text

Arabic is the language of the Holy Quran. It is important to read the sacred book in its original language of revelation. Surah Kahf Arabic text is provided in PDF format below. You can recite this Holy surah whenever you want.

Surah Kahf Transliteration

Surah Kahf transliteration assists non-native Arabic speakers in reading and understanding this chapter. If you struggle with reading Arabic, just download the transliteration in PDF and get the virtues of reading the Quran.

Surah al Kahf Translation in Different Languages

Surah Al Kahf translation in different languages is crucial for disseminating the meaning of the surah to a wide audience. Muslims live across the world and understand different languages. The message of the Quran can’t be conveyed to them without translating it into their language.

Surah Kahf English Translation

English is a widely spoken language. A huge ratio of Muslims speak English in different countries. Surah Kahf English translation not only helps Muslims to unearth the message of this chapter but also opens doors for other religions’ believers to study this surah. Here we are providing the Surah al Kahf English translation in PDF to benefit more people to get the message of this important chapter of the Quran.

Surah Kahf With Urdu Translation

Urdu is the national language of Pakistan. The Urdu speakers are widely spread throughout the world. Surah Kahf with Urdu translation makes it easy for native speakers to grab the message of this surah. You can download the Urdu translation in PDF to read it at your convenience.

Download Surah Kahf

Context of The Revelation of Sourat Alkahf

Sourat Alkahf is the Makki surah and is revealed in an early Makki life before the Prophet’s(SAW) hijrah to Madinah. This period was the most challenging for Muslims. 

It is believed that this Surah was revealed in response to the three questions of the Quraish of Makkah which they had put to the Prophet (SAW) to testify His Prophethood, with the consultation of the scholars of Injil and Torah. The three questions were;

  1.  Who were "the Companions of the Cave" Ashab Al-Kahaf
  2. What is the real story of Hazrat Khizar (A.S)
  3. What do you know about the Zul-Qarnain?

In response to these questions, Allah revealed the Surah 18 of the Quran comprehensively responding to the above questions. 

The Story of Ashab Al-Kahaf

The story of Ashab Al-Kahaf (the Companions of the Cave) is the inspirational fable of trust, courage, and divine providence. Once in a city of idolatry and prosecution, a group of men practiced Tawheeh. The entire city stood against them. To escape the prosecution of the tyrant king they fled the city and took refuge in a cave. While resting, Allah Almighty bestowed upon them a deep sleep and they slept for three hundred years. When they finally awaken, they felt that they slept for a day or half. They sent one of the companions to the city to buy some food.

On arriving in the city, he felt that the city had adopted a new look and faith. The Companion had the ancient coins which were new to the markets and he was alien to them due to his attire. Soon after inquiring the fable of sleepers unfolds, awestruck people with the miracle of Allah.  

“Remember when those youths took refuge in the cave, and said, “Our Lord! Grant us mercy from Yourself and guide us rightly through our ordeal.” (Alkahf:10)

The story of Hazrat Khizar (A.S) and Musa (A.S)

 Surah Al Kahaf narrates the interesting and instructive story of Hazrat Musa and Khizer (A.S). Hazrat Musa in search of a wise and divined knowledgeable man encounters Hazrat Khidr a.s. They both embarked on a journey. Throughout the journey, Khidr carried out some mysterious acts such as sinking a seemingly valuable boat and taking the life of an innocent child, which frustrated Hazrat Musa (A.s). Quran narrates it as;

‘‘So they set out, but after they had boarded a ship, the man made a hole in it. Musa protested, “Have you done this to drown its people? You have certainly done a terrible thing!” (18:71)

As the journey progresses, Khidr a.s explains the underlying wisdom behind every action, revealing a reality that challenges Musa’s (a.s) initial perception. 

The Story of Zul-Qarnain

And they ask you, (O Muhammad), about Dhul-Qarnayn. Say, “I will recite to you about him a report.”(18:83)

Sourat Alkahf describes Zul Qarnain as a brave, just, and righteous king who traveled from west to east and encountered many diverse communities. He helped people for the sake of God and with Allah’s will. Three of his journeys are mentioned in the Quran. On his last journey, he reaches a valley between two mountains. People asked him to protect them from the mischief of the Gog and Magog “Yaajuj and Maajuj”. Zulqaranain built a wall between them and relieved them forever. 

Story of a Man With Two Gardens

Along with answers to the questions of the Mushriks of Makkah, Allah also mentions the story of two men in Surah e Kahaf. Allah says;

“Give them (O Prophet) an example of two men. To (the disbelieving) one We gave two gardens of grapevines, which We surrounded with palm trees and placed (various) crops in between”. (18:32)

Allah had bestowed a man with immense wealth, gardens with fruits, rivers, and all the necessary materials while the other man was poor. One day the rich man invited the poor to his garden to show his wealth. He stated that all his wealth is due to his wisdom and hard work. His gardens can never be lost. The poor man advised him to be humble as all this wealth is due to His blessing. The arrogant man did not pay any heed to his advice. The story turns and Allah destroys all of his garden and not a piece of grape survived. 

Significance of Surah e Kahaf

Significance of Surah e Kahaf as we know that Surah e Kahaf holds immense significance in Islam including illuminates the path of guidance and absolution

 Surah e Kahaf holds immense significance in Islam. It serves as the light that illuminates the path of guidance and absolution. The stories mentioned in this Surah offer invaluable insights and lessons for believers. Surah Al-Kahf equips readers with spiritual tools to prevent the Dajjal's trials. The significance of Surah Kahf lies in the saying of the Prophet (Saw)  that reciting this Surah offers spiritual light and immunization from one Friday to the next. Reciting this chapter has huge psychological, spiritual, social, and religious benefits.

Surah Kahf Benefits

Surah Kahf benefits are immeasurable. The recitation of this chapter reminds the miracles of Allah which changes the reader’s perspective of the mortal world. 

Surah e Kahaf Shields Against Dajjal

Dajjal is a vice figure in Islamic theology who will astray people by claiming to be a messiah and God. Reciting Surah e Kahaf will protect against the evil trail of dajjal. 

In a Hadith Sahih Muslim 809, Hazrat Abu Darda (R.A) narrates that the Prophet (SAW) said;

“Whoever memorizes ten verses from the beginning of Surat al-Kahf will be immune to the False Messiah.”

Surah Al Kahaf Endures Spiritual Enlightenment

Reciting Surah Al Kahaf endure spiritual enlightenment by preventing sins. The regular utterance of this surah causes relief.

In a Hadith Hazrat Abu Said al-Khudri RA reports that the Prophet,(peace and blessings be upon him) said, 

“Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on Friday, a light will shine for him between this Friday and the next.”

Sura Khaf  Promotes Gratitude and Patience

The stories in the Sura Khaf promote a sense of gratitude and patience. It reminds the readers to consider every trial of life as the will of Allah and to deal with courage and bravery. 

Surah 18 Strengthens Faith

The utterance of Surah 18 of the Holy Quran establishes a deep connection with Allah. The stories of faith, divine guidance, and perseverance in this chapter serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement for readers to firmly hold a belief in Allah.

Importance of Surah Kahf First 10 Verses

The recitation of Surah Kahf first 10 verses is considered a source of blessings and forgiveness, especially when recited on Fridays. The first 10 Ayats of Surah Al-Kahf promise divine guidance and providence. 

Importance of Surah Kahf Last 10 Verses

Memorization and recitation of Surah Kahf last 10 verses are highly recommended. The utterance of the last 10 Ayats of surah Al-Kahf proves beneficial in this world and the world hereafter. It is beneficial for Muslis to recite these verses every Friday. 


Surah Kahf with four different stories enlightens the readers with the divine rewards of holding strong belief. Recitation of this Surah has many benefits, the prominent is the shield against the fitna of dajjal. Reading this Surah on Friday is highly recommended.

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