Surah Nisa the 4th chapter of the Holy Quran

Surah Nisa Read Online-Download PDF With Translation

Written by Equranekareem • Oct 14, 2024
Surah Nisa with detailed literal Meaning of Surah An Nisa learn Surah Al Nisa In Arabic with Transliteration and Surah al Nisa Translation

Surah Nisa, the 4th chapter of the Holy Quran, provides thorough guidance about women’s rights, social justice, legal issues related to family, and gender equality in Islam. Surah al Nisa

is the source of guidance for Muslims to live a righteous life by applying the Quranic rules in their lives. Surah An Nisa comprises several discourses teaching the ways that unite Muslims and make them firm. By embracing the teachings of Surat Nisa, a harmonious and prosperous society can be established.

Meaning of Surah An Nisa

Before going to the discourse of this Surah first let’s know the meaning of Surah An Nisa. Surah refers to the chapter of the Quran and the word “Nisa” means “women”. This chapter is named Nisa because most matters discussed in this surah are related to family life including marriage, inheritance, and the rights of women.

Basic Information About Surah Nisa 

Surah Nisa is the fourth surah revealed in Madinah. This table provides basic information about this surah that every Muslim should know.

Surah Nisa the fourth surah revealed in Madinah download Surah al Nisa PDF

Surah Al Nisa In Arabic

Arabic is the essence of the Holy Quran. Reciting Surah Al Nisa in Arabic has profound importance. It is obliged to read God’s words in its original text. Here we provide the Surah al Nisa PDF to aid you in easy access to this Surah.

Surah al Nisa Transliteration

It is important to read the Quran in its original language but not every Muslim can read Arabic. Surah al Nisa transliteration makes it easy to read and understand this Surah for non-Arabic speakers. You can read it in your native script.

Surah al Nisa Translation

Surah al Nisa translation is of paramount significance to understanding the meaning and clarifying ambiguity in Arabic. Translation of this surah is the source of spreading the message widely. It also helps the common women to know about their rights.

Surah al Nisa English Translation

English is an international language and is widely spoken. Surah al Nisa English Translation serves to reach the message of this surah to a huge audience. You can download Surat Nisa in English translation below.

Surah Nisa With Urdu Translation

Surah Nisa with Urdu translation assists native Urdu speakers in getting the underlying messages of this chapter and embracing them in daily life. Women must study this chapter to know the rights Allah has bestowed upon them.

Download Surah Nisa

Context of Revelation of Surah An Nisa

Surah An Nisa is a Madni Surah and is composed of several discourses that were revealed on different occasions. The revelation of this surah was in response to the evolving social and legal landscape of Islamic society. The commands about the division of inheritance of the martyrs and the safeguarding of the rights of the orphans were sent down after the Gazwa Uhd. The instruction about prayer during wartime was revealed on the occasion of Zat-ur-Riqaa which took place in 4. A.H. Taymum was allowed during the Bani-al-Mustaliq expedition in 5 A.H. From these instances, it is believed the Surah Nisaa was revealed between the end of 3. A.H. and the end of 4. A.H. or the beginning of 5. A.H.

The Theme of Suratun Nisa

The theme of Suratun Nisa is not only restricted to women. It also addresses diverse topics like inheritance, rights of orphans, rulings of prayer, jihad, bearing witness, dealing with the hypocrites, the people of the book, and the dangers of Shirk.


Surat Nisa duly mentions that both men and women have a specific and rightful share in the inheritance left by their parents and close relatives. They are the owners whether the inheritance is large or small. Allah says in the Holy Quran;

“For men, there is a share in what their parents and close relatives leave, and for women there is a share in what their parents and close relatives leave—whether it is little or much. These are obligatory shares.”(Quran 4:7)


Tayammum is performing ablution using pure dust when one cannot find water to perform ablution or ghusl.

But if you are ill, on a journey, or have relieved yourselves, or been intimate with your wives and cannot find water, then purify yourselves with clean earth, wiping your faces and hands. And Allah is Ever-Pardoning, All-Forgiving. (4:7)


Islam allows men to marry up to four women. Along with permission, Allah in Surah Nisaa emphasizes that if you can’t uphold justice with four wives it is good for you to marry one woman. Allah says in Surat 4;

If you fear you might fail to give orphan women their rights ‘if you were to marry them’ then marry other women of your choice—two, three, or four. But if you are afraid you will fail to maintain justice, then content yourselves with one or those bondwomen in your possession. This way you are less likely to commit injustice. (4:3)

Women’s Rights According to Surat Nisa

In Surat Nisa, Allah mentions women’s rights in detail and emphasizes the protection of the sanctity of women. Some of the important rights that Allah has guaranteed to women are discussed here.

Surat Nisa Allah mentions women’s rights including the Inheritance, Marriage and Protection

Women’s Rights in Inheritance

Surah an-Nisa clearly mentions that women have a rightful share in the inheritance left over by their parents. No one is allowed to seize it unlawfully.

Women’s Rights in Marriage

Marriage is the sacred bond in Islam which is established with the mutual consent of man and woman. Suratun Nisa explicitly proclaims that women can not be forced to marry. She should be married with her consent. The Holy Quran says;

“O believers! It is not permissible for you to inherit women against their will or mistreat them to make them return some of the dowry ˹as a ransom for divorce” (Quran 4:19)

The Right of Bridal Mahr

The bridal gift also known as Mahr is a sign of love, respect, and bond with the woman a man is marrying. According to Islamic rule, the mahr of a woman must be given to her either when she asks for it or when the husband can pay it. But if she forgives the mahr, it is a sign of love for her husband. As Allah mentions in Surat An Nisa;

“And give the women [upon marriage] their [bridal] gifts graciously. But if they give up willingly to you anything of it, then take it in satisfaction and ease”. (4:4)

Right Of Protection

In Surah an-Nisa, Allah has considered men as the protectors and guardians of women. Because men are created to have a natural physical dominance over women, therefore, have the greatest responsibility to protect them and their rights.

Significance of Surat An Nisa

Surat An Nisa provides profound guidance and advice about social responsibilities. This chapter delves into various aspects of human lives, from resolving personal disputes to ways to build a harmonious and united society. It provides the foundation for a just, fair, and strong society. This chapter of the Holy Quran emphasizes protecting the rights of vulnerable groups in society such as orphans, servants, heirs, slaves, and more importantly women. Incorporating the teaching of this surah guarantees prosperity and peace in society

Surah Nissa Benefits

Surah Nissa Spiritual and Worldly Benefits

Like other surahs of the Holy Quran, Surah Nissa has both spiritual and worldly benefits. The regular utterance of this Holy chapter can transform lives. Let’s explore these benefits.

Spiritual Benefits 

Surat ul Nisa holds significant spiritual benefits if read with sincerity and attention.

Inner Peace

The words of the Quran have a healing character hence the Surah Nissa. The regular recitation of this chapter helps individuals find inner peace and tranquility. The inner peace encourages us to live a peaceful life even in the face of challenges and difficulties.

Strengthening Faith

Faith in Allah is the cornerstone of the guided life. Surat Nisa reinforces faith and helps readers deepen their relationship with the creator.

Spiritual Enlightenment 

This chapter provides a comprehensive guideline to achieve the highest spiritual rank. It instills in humans moral values, and the divine wisdom of Allah’s commandments, inspiring them to strive for righteous path and piety in their lives.

Worldly Benefits

This chapter provides guidelines about social, moral, and political norms to form an ideal Muslim society. Let’s discuss its worldly benefits.

Justice and Equity

Surah An Nisa highlights the significance of justice and equity in all aspects of life. It explains the principles for dealing with social matters such as inheritance, marriage, and social interactions, ensuring that every individual is treated with equity and compassion lawfully.

Protection of Women’s Rights

Women's rights are the basic human rights. Suratun Nisa advocates for the protection of women’s rights and empowerment within the family and society. It emphasizes treating women with respect, kindness, and fairness and negates societal injustices against them.

Unity of Muslim

The basic object of this chapter of the Holy Quran is to lay the foundation of a strong Muslim society where Muslims can practice Allah’s commands. Surat 4 of the Quran fosters a sense of brotherhood and unity among Muslims by providing common principles for all.

Protection From Evil

The daily utterance of the fourth surah of Qurtan is believed to offer protection from evil forces and negative influences. It serves as a shield against harm and provides divine protection against misfortune.


 Surah Nisa imparts all ground guidance on fairness and social responsibility in Islam. The concept of the equal distribution of wealth, protection of rights, promoting kindness and respect, honesty, and justice leads to building a better society. The verses of this chapter resonate with our daily life.

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