Surah Quraish is the surah 106 of the Holy Quran

Surah Quraish with Translation and Translitration

Written by Equranekareem • Aug 30, 2024
SURAH QURAISH with translation and translitration

Surah Quraish is the surah 106 of the Holy Quran. It has four verses (ayahs). It is named after the Quraish tribe. Quraish was the name of a prominent tribe of pre-Islamic era of Makkah.The surah focuses on the historical and economic significance of the Quraish tribe. 

Revelation Period of Surah Quraish 

This Surah was revealed in the early years after the advent of Islam. The Arabs of Quraish tribe were known to be very generous, rich and the most affluent tribe. They had full control on the city of Makkah and its trade. They lived happily in peace and prosperity. This Surah invited the people of Quraish to become Muslims. Allah reminded them of his presents and mercy through his words.

 The Order of Revelation of Surah Quaraish

The tarteeb e nazzooli is known as the order of revelation at the time of prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Tarteeb toufqi is the order of Surah of Quran after its compilation that is presented in the current printed version of the Quran. Surah Al Quraish is ranked at number 106 in both orders of revelation. 

Surah Quraish Meaning

The Quraish meaning is derived from the name of Arabian tribe known as “Quraish”. They were the most prominent tribe in Makkah. Mostly involved in various activities during the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The name of this surah elaborates that the central focus of the surah is on this noble tribe.The name of Surah Quresh taken from the first verse itself, that represent the quraih tribe.

Surah Quraish Arabic Text 

The Arabic verson of surah kuraish is quite beneficial for the learners of the Holy Quran. This written text helps the people fluent in Arabic to access the text. This Surah gives the message of gratitude and devotion to Allah Almighty. Here is the Arabic version of the text

Surah Quraish Arabic Text and Surah Quraish Meaning

Surah Quraish Transliteration

The transliteration of lilafi quraish surah in English helps the reader to know the reading of exact Arabic text. Through surah al quraish transliteration, one has the opportunity to read the verses with correct pronunciation. It provides pronunciation in the light of Arabic phonetics. This method makes the recitation accessible across different linguistic backgrounds. 

Surah Quraish in English

The english translation of Surah Quraish is a valuable resource for the readers. It enables the reader to understand the themes and context of the Surah in English. The aim of this English translation is to educate the readers about the meanings of this amazing Surah. The text of lilafi quraish surah in english is given below:

Surah Quraish in English translation

Surah Quraish with Urdu Translation

The translation of Surah Quraish in Urdu is helpful for the Urdu-speaking Muslims. The Surah e Quraish with Urdu translation elaborates the meaning and exact message of the Surah. The readers get a better understanding of the importance of the revelation. Basically, this surah teaches respect for Allah. It teaches the moral obligation of gratitude to Muslims. 

Reasons Behind Revealing 

1. Surah Quresh discussed their successful winter and summer trade business. The Surah calls the Quraish tribe to think about their privileged position. It urges the  Quraish tribe to thank Allah on the abundant blessings, and security, that they enjoyed. (Quran:106).

2. One of the central themes of Surah Qurash is an invitation to worship the Lord of the House of Kaaba. it emphasizes the Quraish to acknowledge the worldly wealth and security. They must respect the divine source of all provisions and protection.  In short, Allah orders them to worship him with devotion in return for all prosperity and peace.

3. Surat Quarash aims to strengthen the faith of the Quraish tribe. It orders them to accept Allah's might and compassion. By reflecting on their safe and prosperous state, it attempts to enhance their belief in Allah. Allah is instilling thankfulness in the hearts of the Quraish tribe. He is enhancing their faith through success in worldly life.

4. Much of the context lies in the setting of Meccan society during the time of Surah's revelation. Quraish had extreme influence and power in Meccan society. Their status in society and prosperity point out to them the importance of recognizing Allah in their success and stability.

Surah lilafi Quraish reminds the Quraish tribe to worship and obey the commandments of Allah.

Reasons Behind Revealing Surah Quresh

Surah Quraish Benefits

Surah Quraish Benefitsor Surah Quraish wazifa for weight loss

i. Spiritual Rewards and Benefits

Reciting Surah Quraysh brings spiritual rewards and blessings.

ii.Best Surah for Weight Loss

Reciting Surah Quraish wazifa for weight loss is very effective for the health of all Muslims.

iii.Reminds Humans for Allah’s Favors

The surah reminds us of Allah's favors upon humans. Reflection on these favors may increase the faith of a believer.

iv.Increase in Gratitude for Allah

Reciting and reflecting on what is meant by Surah Quraysh would increase a person's gratitude towards the provisions and security provided by Allah.

v.Enhanced Focus on Worship

Reciting it enhances the focus on the worship of Allah Alone.

vi.Promotes Unity and Cooperation Among Muslims

The recitation of this surah promotes unity and cooperation among Muslims.

vii.Spiritual Protection Against Difficulties

This surah provides spiritual protection against difficulties.

viii.Easy to Memorize

Surah Quresh is short and easy to remember.

ix.More Desire for Islamic Knowledge

The surah increases the desire to learn more Islamic knowledge.

Surah Quraish pdf download

Explore Surah Quresh by downloading this PDF


Key Features includes :

  • Contains the entire Surah Quraysh in clear Arabic script for easy recitation and memorization.
  • Surah Quraish in english translation promotes deep understanding the meaning of the verses.
  • It contains useful explanations about the history, background, and lessons from Surah Kuraysh.
  • Available as a PDF in downloadable format for reading, printing, and sharing.

Final Words

Surah al Quraysh encourages the people from the tribe of Quraish to thank Allah. further, they are reminded of the blessings on them. It elaborates on the difference in the lives of Arabs after the advent of Islam. It also teaches the Muslims to strengthen their faith by thanking Allah for all his blessings.

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