Surah Sajdah—Surah Alif Lam Mim Sajdah

Surah Sajdah, also known as Surah Alif Lam Mim Sajdah is the 32nd chapter of the Holy Quran and holds the treasury of wisdom and knowledge in its lap. The theme of this surah hinged on different subject matters such as the day of judgment, the creation of heaven and earth in six days, and the reward and destination of believers and disbelievers. Surah As Sajdah reinforces the majesty of Allah Almighty, endorsing Him as the creator and His miracles in this world. Surah Al Sajdah also addresses the objections of disbelievers about the preaching of the Holy Prophet PBUH. In this blog, we will discuss the meaning of Surah Sajda, reasons for its revelation and benefits of Surah Sajdah in detail.
Surah As Sajdah Meaning
Surah Sajda is a profound chapter of the Quran instilled with divine wisdom and guidance. Let’s understand Surah As Sajdah meaning. ‘Surah’ means ‘chapter’ and refers to the chapter of the Quran. The word ‘sajdah’ means ‘prostration’. The name of this chapter appears in the 15th verse which is the due reason of the name of this chapter. Surah Sajdah ayat 15 commands the reciter to prostrate before Allah to confess His greatness.
Basic Information About Surah Al Sajdah
The verses of the Quran are filled with divine guidance. Surah e Sajdahis a contemplative chapter that invokes human consciousness to know the sovereignty of Allah. Every Muslim should know the basic information about Surah Al Sajdah. The table below will assist you in gaining quick information about this sacred chapter of the Holy Quran.

Surah Al Sajdah Arabic Text
The Holy Quran is a divine Book and revealed in Arabic language. It is obligatory to recite the Quran in its own language. Reading this chapter holds high significance and virtues. Here we provide you Surah Al Sajdah Arabic text to help you with easy reading and grasp the virtue of its recitation. Below you can download surah sajdah PDF to read it any time.
Surah Al Sajdah Transliteration
Transliteration of the Holy Quran assists Muslims who struggle with reading Arabic. Surah Al Sajdah transliteration will help you to read this chapter in your own language with correct pronunciation. You can also download Surah Sajdah transliteration in PDF. Below we provide you Surah Sajdah English transliteration to access it anytime.
Surah Sajdah translation
The translation of the Quran is inevitable to understand its meaning. Surah Sajdah translation allows the reader to understand its meaning and get a message to live a righteous life.
Surah Al Sajdah English Translation
English is a widely spoken language. Surah Al Sajdah English translation will aid to reach the message of this chapter to a wide audience and enlighten them with its teaching. We provide you Surah As Sajdah English translation in PDF format so you can download it and study whenever you get time.
Surah Al Sajdah With Urdu Translation
The Quran has been translated into Urdu language by many scholars. Surah Sajdah Urdu translation allows native Urdu speakers to study and impart the teaching of this profound chapter. Below you can download a PDF of Surah Al Sajdah with Urdu translation.
Context of Revelation Of Surah As Sajadah
Surah Alif Lam Mim Sajdah was revealed in the Makkah during the initial stage of Meccan life. The name of this chapter comes from ayat 15. Like other Makki chapters, Surah As Sajadah also emphasizes on Tawheed, the day of judgment and the destination of believers and disbelievers.
Theme And Structure Of Surah As Sajdah
The chapters of the Holy Quran have a unique theme and structure. The main theme ofSurah As Sajdah is to eliminate the doubts of the people about Tawheed- the Oneness of Allah, the Day of Judgment and the Prophethood. Along with these basic arguments, Sajdah Surah also talks about the other aspects.

Tawheed is the basic theme of Al Sajdah Surah, emphasizing the Oneness and sovereignty of Allah. Verse 6 of Suratul Sajda highlights the beautiful names and attributes of Allah. This Surah also warns disbelievers of the great torment and affirm that no one will be there for their help and intercession.
The Quran
Surat As Sajdah addresses the doubt of disbelievers about the Quran. They used to say that the Quran is an invention of Muhammad’s own. But this is the truth from your Lord. The objective of the Holy Quran to Muhammad PBUH is to warn a people to whom no warner came before, So can be guided to the Right Way. It is the fact that no Prophet had come to Arab people before the beloved Prophet SAW and they were long in need of the Prophet for guidance. As they had deviated the true religion of their Prophet.
The Resurrection
Surah As-Sajdah deals with the doubts of disbelievers about the resurrection and the Day of Judgment. They used to ask, will we be resurrected when we have become ashes and lost in the earth? Allah says, in fact they deny that they will meet their Lord. Surah e Sajdah reinforces that an Angel has been charged to turn their souls to the Lord. It further states that the culprit (who denies the day of Judgment) will stand before their Lord bowing their heads and confessing that they were wrong, asking the Lord to grant them an opportunity to come back and act righteously.
The Creation Of Universe
Suratul Sajda reiterates that the earth and heavens are the creation of Allah. He created the earth, heavens and all between them in six days and established Himself on the Throne.
The Creation And Evolution of Human
Allah has unlimited creatures in the universe. None of them is ill shaped and ugly. Humans are the best of the creations. As Sajdah surah explains how man is created from clay and developed into a full fledged human being with perfect shape and functioning body. Verse 8 of the Surah 32 confirms that man has been created from clay. After creating man by His command, He created a mechanism in Human that similar men can be produced by a mean fluid (sperm drop). Then Allah breathed into him of His spirit. Then made ears to hear, eyes to see, and heart.
Children of Israel
Allah mentions children of Israel–Bani Israel in Surat Al Sajdah and the book bestowed upon them. In fact Allah addresses the doubt of Disbelievers about the revelation of the Quran. They regarded it as impossible that a Book should be revealed to Muhammad SAW. Allah responded that we have revealed a Book to Hazrat Musa A.S and it is not strange if we revealed the Book upon you O MUhammad SAW. Surah Sajdah verse 24 mentions that when Bani Israel remained steadfast and had patience, we created leaders among them who guided people to righteous path with our command.
Importance Of Surah Sajdah
Surat As Sajdah is the profound chapter of the Holy Quran instilled with lessons and guidance for human beings. The verses of this chapter are the source of divine wisdom and act as warner for disbelievers. The importance of Surah Sajdah lies in the fact that the Holy Prophet SAW would not go to sleep without reciting it. This Surah reinforces the concept of Tawheed, emphasizing Allah’s sovereignty. This surah reiterates the concept of Tawheed and fortifies the belief of Muslims. The doubts of disbelievers have been addressed in this chapter, highlighting the objective of revelation of the Holy scripture.
Surah Al Sajdah Benefits
The Holy Quran is a miraculous Book and its recitation has unimaginable benefits and virtues. Every chapter of the Quran has some specific benefits in this world and the world afterhere. Surah Sajdah reading has unimaginable benefits for the believers. The Holy Prophet PBUH used to recite this surah frequently. Below are some of the Surah Al Sajdah Benefits.

Equal to Prayer In Laylatul Qadr
Laylatul Qadr is a sacred night in Islam. The worship in this night is equal to the worship of thousands of nights. Every Muslim can’t take advantage of worshipping on this night due to oblivions. However, the recitation of Surah Sajdah full is equal to spending laylatul Qadr in prayer. Ibn Umar R.A narrates Hadit that;
Whoever recites Suratul Sajda and Surah Mulk between Maghrib and ‘Isha’, it is as if he spent Laylat al-Qadr in prayer.” Ad-Durr Al-Manthur (6/535)
Cultivates Humility And Submission
Surah As-Sajdah cultivates humility and submission in human beings. This chapter is full of guidance and warning for disbelievers including the severe torment for those who deny the signs and miracle of Allah Almighty. Those who read Surah Sajdah regularly feel humility in their behavior and they submit to the will of Allah.
Source Of Guidance
The Holy Quran is revealed to guide human beings to the right path. Sajdah Surah in Quran is the source of guidance for the believers and for those to whom no prophets were sent. This Surah highlights the key concepts of Islam such as Tawheed, Prophethood, and the Day of Judgment and urges people to return to the righteous path and have salvation.
Spiritual Growth
Spiritually is a key concept in Islam. One of the benefits of reciting Surah Sajdah is that it elevates spiritual growth and purifies the human soul by helping avoid sins and unlawful acts. Those who recite it wholeheartedly and embrace its teachings in daily life, feel inner peace and tranquility.
Benefits of Reading Surah Sajdah At Night
Reciting full Surah Sajdah has high virtue in both the worlds. Our Holy Prophet PBUH would not go to sleep without reciting this chapter of the Quran. One of the benefits of reading Surah Sajdah at night is that it is equivalent to spending Laylatul Qadr in prayer and a vigil in this night is equal to the worship of thousands of nights. By keeping this virtue of surah 32 in mind, every Muslim should read surah sajdah at night consistently.
Surah Sajdah is a contemplative chapter of the Holy Quran that invokes spiritual elevation and ignites awareness in humans about Allah and his creation. This chapter was revealed to address the doubts of disbelievers about Allah, the Quran, and the resurrection of humans. It acts as a source of guidance for believers and warning for disbelievers. As a Muslim, it is our religious obligation to learn, read, and memorize this Surah with full conviction

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