Best Quran Recitation

Do you want to be among the good reciters of Quran and look for how can I learn to read Quran in the best way ever? Every Muslim has the ability to read the Quran in the best way. You can be the one with the right platform that understands your learning pace and turns your pitfalls into learning opportunities. eQuranekareem is an online Quran teaching institute that turns thousands of Muslims’ dreams of the best Quran recitation into reality with the expert Quran Qaris globally.
Understand Quran Recitation Meaning
The word Tilawah or Tilawat is used in the Holy Quran Surah al-Baqarah verse 121 for reading of the Quran. Its English synonym can be recitation. So, the Quran recitation meaning can be understood as the act of reading the Holy Quran aloud by following Qirat and tajweed rules and regulations by looking at a book or a memorized one.
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Types Of Quran Recitations
It is the miracle of the Quran that it is recited in different ways. These different ways of the Quran recitations are known as Qiraat Quran. There are 10 qirat of the Quran each is transmitted by the Quran chain of transmitters that can be traced to the Holy Prophet SAW. The ten types of the Holy Quran recitation are as follows.
- Nafi al-Madani
- Ibn Kathir al-Makki
- Abu Amr ibn al-Ala
- Ibn Amir ad-Dimashqi
- Asim ibn Abi al-Najud
- Hamzah Al-Zaiyyat
- Al-Kisai
- Abu Amr Hafs ibn Sulayman
- Ibn Amir ash-Shami
- Yaqub Ibn Ibrahim al-Hadrami
How To Learn The Best Quran Recitation
Learning and reciting Quran is a religious obligation of every Muslim and has high virtue in Islam. Muslims commit their lives to learn to read Quran from an early stage. However, everyone can’t get their dreams fulfilled due to their reliance on inexperienced Quran tutors in unreliable online Quran academies. eQuranekareem is a globally trusted Quran institute that helps you achieve the milestone of the best Quran recitation. Our online Quran mentors provide beneficial techniques to help you in this regard. Here are some easy-to-adopt tricks to help you achieve your goal.

Master The Basics Of Reciting Quran
Mastering the basics of reciting Quran is essential to reading the Quran in the proper way. The basics include the recognition of the Arabic Alphabet, its shape, and different characteristics. Learn how each letter is pronounced and how it acts differently depending on their location within words. Learning the rules of Arabic Harakat and symbols enhances the art of reading Quran.
Learn Tajweed Rules
Tajweed is the essence of the Qur'an recitation. The good reciters of Quran always learn tajweed rules before embarking on the sacred journey of online Quran learning. The knack in tajweed rules allows you to read the verses of the Holy Quran in a rhythmic pattern. It also assists you in avoiding mistakes and changing the meaning of words.
Incorporate Technology In Learning
Technology and digital resources have revolutionized the learning process. From learning the basics of the Quran to memorization and learning a great recitation of Quran, it helps thousands of Muslims to connect with divine teachings. If you want to learn the Quran best recitation, use different Apps, websites, and video lectures that are available online. It will help you learn effectively with different techniques.
Practice Daily
The secret of learning the Quran best recitation lies in daily practice. The consistent practice fortifies the basics and enhances the pronunciation and speed of recitation. Make a schedule for practice and stick to it consistently.
Follow The Instructor
Your Quran instructor should be your role model and should have good recitation of Quran. Following your instructor paves the way for smooth learning by helping you with confusion and ambiguities. The best way to learn the holy Quran recitation proficiently is to listen to the Quran teacher carefully and repeat after that. In this way, you will be able to get the reading pattern easily.
Etiquettes Of Recitation Of Quran
The Quran is a sacred book and source of guidance for humans. The Quran reciters are blessed beings whom Allah chooses to remember Him through the divinely revealed book. Every Muslim is obliged to respect the Holy Script. There are certain etiquettes that should be upheld at the time of the recitation of Quran.

Cleanliness and purification are the first conditions to hold the Holy Quran. It is mentioned in the Surah Waqiah Ayat 79 that “None touch it except the purified’’. So you should be in the purest form at the time of recitation of holy Quran.
Make Proper Wudu
Wudu or ablution is a source of purification in Islam which is performed in a specific way by washing certain parts of the body. Making proper wudu is a prerequisite of the holy Quran reading and maintaining it throughout the entire Quran recitation.
Sit Facing Toward The Qiblah
The Qibla is the direction that leads toward the Kaaba. It is necessary for every Muslim to sit facing toward the Qibla while reciting Quran. It not only underscores the virtue of the Holy Quran but also highlights the respect and importance of the Kaaba–the holiest place on the surface of the earth.
Read Ta'awwudh and Tasmiah
The Quraan recitation always started with reading Ta'awwuz and Tasmiyah. Ta'awwuz is read as “A`udhu Billahi Min ash-shaitānir Rajeem” translated as"I seek refuge in Allah from Shaitan, the accursed one" and Tasmiah is read as “BismilLahir Raḥmanir Raḥim” and translated as "In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful". These two are powerful statements and should be read when you begin to recite Quran.
Don’t Involve In Other Activities
Involving in worldly activities during the Qur'anic recitation is tantamount to disrespecting the Holy Quran. Avoid talking, eating, drinking, and looking around during the entire Quran recitation. Choose a place where you can avoid any disruption.
Recite With Devotion
The Quran recitation acquires the pure intention and devotion of reciters. Focus deeply on the verses during the daily reading of Quran. Reciting it wholeheartedly can elevate spirituality and deepen understanding.
The best Quran recitation is a dream of every Muslim. You can achieve your dream with the right academy like eQuranekareem. Adopting simple tricks and regular practice can make you a proficient Quran reciter. Learning and reading the Holy Quran on a daily basis evoke spiritual elevation leading to a peaceful and happy life. Every Muslim should learn the Holy Book and teach it to their kids.

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Are you interested in learning the entire Quran recitation online? You can do it. The online Quran courses of eQuranekareem are meticulously designed to help you cover every aspect of the Quran with free trial classes for 3 days.
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