How to Celebrate Eid Milad un Nabi Mubarak On 12 Rabi ul Awal

Muslims celebrate Eid Milad un Nabi Mubarak on 12 Rabi ul Awal to commemorate the birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW). 12 Rabi ul Awwal holds immense significance for Muslims religiously, socially, spiritually, and historically. This is the day of spiritual reflection, devotion, and refinement.
In this blog, we will take a look into the history, significance, and messages of the Milad Mubarak.
What Is Rabi ul Awal?
The word ‘Rabi ul Awal’ (رَبِيع ٱلْأَوَّل ) is composed of two Arabic words Rabi and Al-Awal. Rabi means “spring” and Al-Awal means “the first”. So, "Rabi ul Awal" means "the first spring" or the beginning of spring in Arabic.
Rabi ul Awal is the third month of the Islamic calendar. The name of this month refers to its position in the pre-Islamic Arabian calendar. In the Islamic calendar, the month can fall in any season, therefore, it can not be referred to the actual meaning of spring.
This month is glorified in Islam due to many historical incidents, predominantly the birth of the Holy Prophet (SAW). The other being Hijrah from Makkah to Madinah, construction of Masjid-e-Quba–the first mosque of Islam and Marriage of the Prophet (SAW) to Hazrat Khaddejah (R.A)
Historical Background of Eid MiladunNabi Mubarak
Eid MiladunNabi Mubarak has been celebrated since ancient times. Historians and scholars possess different thoughts on the origin of the celebration of Eid Milad ul Nabi.
According to Ibne Katheer–the famous Arab historian, Muzhaffaruddin Al-Kaukabri, the king of Iraq (then Ebril) celebrated the Birthday of the Prophet (SAW) zealously for the first time at the beginning of the seventh century Hijri.
It is also reported that he donated more than 300,000 dinars to charity on this auspicious day. Scholars and people were invited to shed light on the life of Muhammad (SAW).
The second prominent thought about the celebration of 12 Rabiul Awal is that Sultan Salah ud Din Ayubi was the first figure to celebrate Milad un Nabi in 1193 AD.
Other historians state that the celebration of the Prophet’s (SAW) Birthday was first time initiated by the Fatimid dynasty.
Significance of 12 Rabiul Awal-Eid e Milad un Nabi Mubarak
Eid e Milad un Nabi Mubarak also known as Mawlid is an auspicious event for Muslims as it honors the birth anniversary of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the seal of Messengers.
The core objective of celebrating 12 Rabiul Awal is to remind and promise to follow the character traits and teachings of the Holy Prophet (SAW). The universal message given by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the message of love, mercy, human dignity, sacrifice, diversity, peace, and coexistence. By observing 12 Rabi ul Awal Mubarak, Muslims get reminded of the messages of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Special Events Held On The Occasion of Eid e Milad un Nabi Mubarak
The Muslims show their extreme love and devotion to the Prophet(SAW) by celebrating Eid e Milad un Nabi Mubarak with zeal and zest. This significant day starts with offering prayers and taking part in ritualistic customs. Every Muslim country celebrates this auspicious day in its way. Some events that are held globally are mentioned below.
Offer Special Prayers
Eid Milad un Nabwi or Mawlid starts with prayers and offering the gift of Darood e Pak (salutations) upon our Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The offering of Darood is mandatory as mentioned in the Quran.
“Surely, Allah and His angels send blessings upon the Prophet. O you who believe, send your Salam to him (SAW) in abundance.” (Al-Ahzab: 33: 56)
Muslims also keep a voluntary fast to celebrate the day in a virtuous way.
Rallies and Processions
Large rallies and processions are held to commemorate the Birth of the Holy Prophet (SAW) on 12 Rabbiul Awwal. The Muslims come out to roads and streets with green flags to show love and devotion to their beloved Prophet(SAW). The children enthusiastically take part in these rallies and processions. The basic purpose behind holding processions on Eid Milad-un-Nabi is an effective way to call people to Islam and educate them about the teachings of the Holy Prophet (SAW). The scholars make speeches, shedding light on the life and Seerah of Muhammad (SAW).
Naat Competitions
Naat is poetry in the praise of the Prophet (SAW). On 12 Rabbiul Awwal, Naat competitions are held everywhere. The famous Naat readers take part in this competition and utter Darood through their rhythmic and melodious voices. Children also take part in the competition and show their immense love to the beloved Prophet (SAW). The winners are presented with gifts and prizes to encourage them.
On this special occasion Muslims garland Mosques and homes with flowers. Streets and roads are lit up with colorful lights which denote the deep love of Muslims for the Prophet (SAW). People, especially children wear colorful clothes with the Naalain pak batch.
Prepare Special Meals and Delicious Delicacies
12 Rabbi Awal is the special day when Muslims make delicious delicacies to make it memorable. The dishes are exchanged with neighbors and relatives. The needed are preferred to serve on this day. With special meals Muslims also exchange greetings. They meet with relatives, neighbors, and friends.
What Lesson Does 12 Rabi ul Awwal Give?
While 12 Rabi ul Awwal is a spiritual occasion for Muslims, its teachings have real-world implications. The message of Milad un nabi Mubarak is rooted in the principles of honesty, mercy, brotherhood, and dedication and mirrors the teachings of the Prophet (SAW). The message of this auspicious day is universal.
Gratitude For The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
The birth of the Holy Prophet (SAW) was a beacon of light in the darkness of an era of ignorance (Jahiliah). Eid Milaad un Nabi Mubarak is the occasion to pay gratitude to the Holy Prophet (SAW). for His teaching and guidance towards the right path. It is only through His sacrifices, immense love, and efforts, that we have been given the incredible guidance of the Quran and the Sunnah.
The universal message of Eid e Milad Mubarak is the message of unity and brotherhood for Muslims. Our beloved Prophet (SAW) said that Muslims “A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim. He does not oppress him, nor does he leave him at the mercy of others.” (Bukhari 2442).
This day teaches us to pass over our differences and adhere to the binding force of brotherhood.
12th Rabi ul Awwal or Mawlid Day reinforces the Propht’s (SAW) attribute of “Rahmat ul lil Aalameen"( رحمةٌ للعالمين)“Mercy for the entire worlds". The Prophet (SAW) is sent for the guidance of the entire world. The world inhibits different ethnicities, cultures, races, and ideologies. This day emphasizes the importance of coexistence in this diversified world. As the Prophet (SAW) was adamant about ensuring religious freedom to non-Muslims across. It is also reported in Hadiths that the Prophet (SAW) used to visit ailing non-Muslims.
The implementation of the policy of coexistence results in peace and prosperity of the overall society.
12 Rabi ul Awal is not merely a day, but also a reminder of the teachings and principles that the Prophet (SAW) introduced to the world. It is an occasion of gratitude, reflection, remembrance, and ushering Salaat. With celebrations, it is crucial to give heed to the teachings of the Prophet (PBUH)

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