Ramadan Kareem – A Complete Guide

Written by Equranekareem • Sep 4, 2024
Ramadan Kareem is the month of blessings

Ramadan Kareem is the month of blessings, abundance, and infinite bounties of Allah(SWT). It is the month in which an individual can transform his/her life completely from sinful to noble and revive their lifestyle according to the Uswah-e-Hasana (Prophet Muhammad S.A.W’s Life).

This holy month is one of the sacred months in Islam and teaches us how to live without drinking water and eating food for about three-quarters of the day and build self-control. Muslims practice sacrifice, care for others, and courage to help the poor and needy during the Ramadan of the Islamic calendar.

Ramadhan adds patience and brings prosperity to the believers’ lives. The blessed month of Ramadan has many physical and mental health benefits that turn life into a beautiful and exemplary Islamic lifestyle. To provide you with complete knowledge about all aspects of Ramadan Kareem, keep reading this interesting and informative blog!

History Of Ramadan Kareem

The history of Ramadan shows that in 610, the first revelation was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). This was the time for the start of Islam, the Qur’an, and the prophetic responsibility for preaching Islam in Arab society. This process continues until the completion of the Quran.

During this period, When the Prophet (SAW) migrated towards Madina in 624, then this month was declared for fasting practice as an obligatory prayer and the fourth pillar of Islam. This month was called a sacred and blessed month under Quran revelations. This was all about the origin of Ramadan, how it begins and how fasting becomes an obligatory prayer.

What Is The Meaning Of Ramadan

Mostly, Muslims don’t know about “what is the meaning of Ramadan”. This useful information will help them in understanding the meaning of Ramadan in Islam.

Well, the word “Ramadan” is derived from the Arabic word “Ar-Ramad” which means “ intense scorching heat” or “parching thirst”. In Arab literature, it is also meant as “Sun-baked ground”.

This term shows the expression of extreme hunger or thirst. This is also pronounced as “Ramadhan, Ramazan, Ramzan, or Ramadan Al-Kareem. The comprehensive Ramadan kareem meaning shows that is a practice of hunger and thirst for about half of a day.

Meaning Of Ramadan In Islam

The meaning of Ramadan in Islam shows that it is not just a practice of hunger and thirst or self-control, it is much more than this. It teaches how to build control over your soul to not get indulged in sinful activities and how to be satisfied and happy in the Will of Allah. It also has a lesson about making a deeper connection with Allah and The Prophet(SAW) by following the Islamic pattern of living life. 

In the Quran, Allah Has narrated the importance of “Ramadan in Islam” in a way;

“يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ ٱلصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى ٱلَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ.”

“O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous.”
[Surah Baqarah, Verse: 183]

In another Surah, Allah Has mentioned about the worth and significance of Ramadan and fasting in Islam,

“إِنَّا أَنْزَلْنَاهُ فِي لَيْلَةِ الْقَدْرِ وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ خَيْرٌ مِنْ أَلْفِ شَهْرٍتَنَزَّلُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ وَالرُّوحُ فِيهَا بِإِذْنِ رَبِّهِمْ مِنْ كُلِّ أَمْرٍ سَلَامٌ هِيَ حَتَّىٰ مَطْلَعِ الْفَجْرِ.”

“Indeed, We sent the Qur’an down during the Night of Decree. And what can make you know what is the Night of Decree? The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit descend therein by permission of their Lord for every matter. Peace it is until the emergence of dawn.”
[Surah Al-Qadr]

The Prophet Muhammad-e-Mustafa(SAW) once said;

“When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of the heaven are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained.”

These Quranic verses and Ramadan Hadiths show that Ramadan is not only an ordinary Islamic month. It is a way to get back to Allah by following the Quraan and the Prophet’s path which is the only source of getting the “Righteous Path”. This ninth month of the Islamic calendar is a reminder for all to have a look over consciousness and not to get astray on the wrong path. Don’t lose this Ramadan of the Islamic calender 2024!

When Is Ramadan 2024?

Well, the exact date for Ramadan 2024 is still being determined as it depends upon the lunar cycle of the Ramadan moon. This year, the expected dates according to the lunar rotations of the moon are given in the following description;

  • 10th March 2024
  • 11th March 2024

The first Ramadan can be one of these mentioned dates and in the Muslim community, the Ramadan decorations are on peak in their houses for the welcoming and celebrations of this blessed month!

When Does Ramadan End?

The expected dates for Ramadan to be concluded this year are;

  • 9th April 2024
  • 10th April 2024

Muslims also recite the Ramadan ending dua on the last days of Ramadan to get more blessings from Allah and to accept their Ramadan fasting prayers.

Ramadan Fasting Rules

Certain dos and don’ts during Ramadan should be strictly followed if the person is fasting in Ramadan. The Sunnah and the Islamic Sharia have mentioned some Ramadan fasting rules according to the teachings of the Qur’an. The Muslims are supposed to follow these instructions, if they do not follow these then the fasting prayer is not acceptable in front of Allah.

In the Hadith, Beloved Prophet Muhammad(SAW) mentioned that 

“Whoever doesn’t give up lying and acting on lies during fasting, then Allah does not need for him to give up food and drink”.
[Ref: Al-Bukhari, Al-Sahih, Kitab al-Soom, chapter min lim yada’ Qul al-Zur and al-Walam bah fi al-Soom, 2: 673, amount: 1804—]

The list of do’s and don’ts during Ramadan fasts is described below;

Things To Do During Ramadan

Things Not To Do During Ramadan

Offer Ramadan prayers 

Do not skip 5 obligatory prayers without any genuine exception

Recite Quran daily 

Avoid wasting time on wrongdoings

Help the needy and poor in your community

Do not hurt others or misbehave with someone 

Offer Ramadan prayers

Do not skip 5 obligatory prayers without any genuine exception

Practice the Sunnah & make a habit of implementing this Sunnah in your daily life routine

Avoid smoking or use alcoholic products/ do not listen to music - as these are haram actions

 Offering Ramadan Taraweeh Salah (Sunnah-e-Moaqaddah)

Do not speak lies or use abusive language/ avoid taunting others 

Visit the Masajids frequently 

Do not lose patience or disrespect someone 

Donate in Ramadan as much as you can 

Don’t use excessive food in Iftar time rather than this, you should share it with the needy ones 

Iftar Time & Sehri Time Significance

The Iftar time and the Sehri time are supposed to be the most blessed hours in the Ramazan month for Muslims.  In these hours, Allah blessed the fasting Muslims with an opportunity to accept their prayers spontaneously as their fasting reward. 

Also, there are a lot of other benefits of iftar time and Sehri time. 

  • Families usually gather for an iftar meal and Sehri meals to enjoy the blessed hours together. 
  • This strengthens their unity and also revives the brotherhood and mutual love with harmony. 
  • The iftari time and the Sehri time also add the positive attribute of gratitude in Muslims and they become satisfied, contented, and happy with what Allah blessed them. 
  • These blessed hours also make the Muslims strengthen their connection with Allah(SWT) by reciting the dhikr for Ramadan at these times.

Benefits Of Fasting In Ramadan

Fasting in Ramadan is not just a religious obligation, it is a lot more than this. There are wonderful benefits of fasting in Ramadan. It brings psychological, physiological, and spiritual benefits. Research shows that more than 1 billion Muslims practice the ritual of fasting every year. The description of the benefits is mentioned below;

Benefits Of Fasting In Ramadan

Inculcates Taqwa

The phrase “Taqwa” means the “piety or fear of Allah(SWT)”. This is enhanced in the hearts of Muslims when they fast with an intention that The Most Majestic(Allah), knows everything and Has a perfect sight of everything. So, understanding the meaning of taqwa by not doing sins and avoiding the activities that can break fast brings individuals closer to Allah. This value fulfills the purpose of fasting in Ramadan!

Getting Much Reward For Noble Deeds

Offering Ramadan fasting prayer that includes obligatory prayers, Ramadan Taraweeh, and nafal prayers as well is the source of getting high rewards from Allah. In the Quran & Hadith, it is mentioned that Allah pays the great reward and blessings for the fasting Muslims’ noble actions. But, here, remember one thing – you should not fast to get rewards only. The main purpose of fasting in Ramadan is much more significant in Islam.

Getting Closer To Jannah & Protection From Jahannum

On the Final Day, only those who properly fast during Ramadan purely for the Will of Allah Almighty and according to the rules of fasting will be entered into Jannah by a door “Ar-Rayyan”. This noble deed is a protection from hell and a source of paradise. According to many Islamic scholars, the person who fasts once in his/her life will move a step away from Jahannum.

Prevent Weight Gain & Chronic Diseases

By having a controlled diet in the month of Ramazan, one gets a lot of Ramadan health benefits. It decreases the obesity-causing factors and also helps protect against severe chronic diseases like diabetes by regular fasting. The continual fasting increases the proteins in the body and eventually offers maximum insulin resistance.

Regulating Blood Sugar Level

Ramadan favors another amazing benefit for all of those who fast in this month. Fasting regulates glucose and reduces the level of cholesterol in the body regulating the overall sugar level of the body. It maintains the formation of the lipids and this controls the risk of heart stroke and other paralysis diseases.

Improves Metabolism

Natural detoxification and improved metabolism are also some amazing advantages of fasting in Islam. This helps in increasing the digestion rate of the human body which stimulates the metabolism mechanism more efficiently. The body organically reduces the toxin levels in a month and stabilizes the acidity in the body.

Protection Against Cancer

Balanced nutrition & vitamins during the fasts with the help of traditional food for Ramadan is beneficial for protection against cancer. The fast regulates the body’s glucose level with its minimal production of glucose in the blood which leads to the production of tumor-killing cells.

Stress Reduction

The benefits of fasting in the month of Ramadan also incorporate stress reduction, preventing anxiety and depression as well. The routine of Ramadan develops a beautiful discipline that involves proper timings for eating, having drinks appropriately, and a proper sleeping pattern. This commendable discipline uplifts the mood, enhances optimism, and leads to a healthy mindset.

Learn Ramadan Duas Online

If you want to learn Ramadan fast dua, Ramadan Taraweeh prayer, Dhikr for Ramadan, and other prayers and supplications regarding Ramadan events, then join our exclusive Ramadan offer with online Quran and Arabic courses!

Ramadhan Al Mubarak & Eid ul Fitr

The holy month of Ramdhan al Mubarak ends with a sense of gratitude, happiness, and harmony. At the end of Ramadhan, Allah rewarded the Muslims with an amazing Islamic event “Eid ul Fitr”

On this day, Muslims celebrate their fast’s reward with a morning prayer named “Eid ul Fitr prayer” and this is offered in the Masajids. This day is full of joy and is celebrated with full zeal. To celebrate this day is a Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). 

The Eid ul Fitr is celebrated from 1st Shawal to 3rd Shawal consecutively. These are the days of enjoyment and mutual harmony in Muslim families!

Final Takeaway

Ramadan crescent brings a lot of life-changing opportunities for a Muslim who wants to walk on the path of Islam. And is a reminder for all of those who get distracted from the right path. 

Well, for your better understanding and deeper knowledge, we tried our level best to mention the necessary information and stuff related to Ramadan and fasting. Muslims should celebrate this blessed month with Ramadan Kareem greetings, and Ramadan happy wishes. One can also make Ramadan gift baskets for the kids to encourage them about fasting and its importance in Islam. 

Lastly, as Muslims, it is our responsibility to understand and endorse the Ramadan benefits and importance in the next generation and inculcate the value “purpose of fasting in Ramadan” in them. We should avoid sinning during Ramadan and this practice should be continued throughout your life if you want to be one of the true Muslims!

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