Surah Waqiah the 56th Surah of the Quran holds profound wisdom

surah waqiah

Written by Equranekareem • Oct 14, 2024
 Meaning of Surah Al Waqiah with Surah Waqiah In Arabic, learn Surah Waqiah Translation  and Transliteration

Surah Waqiah, the 56th Surah of the Quran holds profound wisdom, spiritual insights, and certainty of the Day of Judgment. Surah e Waqiah is the enlightening chapter of the Quran that informs human beings of the final destination. This Surah depicts the whole scenario of the Last Day in vivid and rhythmic words. Surah Al Waqiah has immense significance in Islam and Muslims utter it to take guidance and to establish deep connection with Allah. The financial benefits of Surah Wakia are mentioned in many Hadiths.

Meaning of Surah Al Waqiah

The name وَاقِعَة appears in the first verse of the chapter.  The word Surah is used for the chapter of the Quran and “Waqiah” is an Arabic word that means “Occurrence” or the “occurrence of an inevitable event” in English. So, the meaning of Surah Al Waqiah refers to the Day of Judgement.The name is given to Surah because it confirms the occurrence of the Day of Judgment.

Basic Information About Surah Waqi'ah

It is one of the most impactful surahs of the Quran. Being a Muslim, everyone needs to know the basic information about Surah Waqi'ah. This chart can help you in this regard.

Basic Information About Surah Waqi'ah that Being a Muslim, everyone needs to know

Surah Waqiah In Arabic

Reading Surah Waqiah in Arabic holds great spiritual value, allowing a deeper connection with Allah's book and a more accurate understanding of its context and meaning. We will assist you in reading this surah by uploading the Surah Waqiah PDF below.

Surah Waqiah Transliteration

Reading Surah Waqiah transliteration aids you in understanding the words of this chapter in a language you already know well. It allows the reader to pronounce the word correctly so that you are not changing the meaning of words.

Surah Waqiah Translation

Surah Waqiah translation succeeds in extracting the underlying message of this important chapter of the Quran. Because Muslims around the world speak different languages and a majority of them can’t speak and understand the Arabic language, therefore it is important to translate the Arabic script into a language that people understand easily.

Surah Waqiah English Translation

Surah Waqiah English translation is crucial to overcome the barrier to understanding this Surah for non-Arabic readers. Over the centuries, many Muslim scholars have translated the Holy Book into English.  We provide you with the translation of Surah Waqiah in English PDF download, so you can study it whenever you wish.

Surah Waqiah With Urdu Translation

Surah Waqiah with Urdu translation lends a helping hand to the Urdu speakers in understanding the context and meaning of this Surah. Many Islamic Scholars have translated the Quran into easy Urdu to help the common man to understand it. You can download the Surah Waqiah PDF with Urdu translation here

Surah Waqiah PDF

Context of Revelation of Surah Al Waqiah

Surah Al Waqiah is the Makki Surah and is revealed before the Prophet’s Hijrah to Madinah. It is believed that this Surah was sent down in refutation of the Mushrikeen e Makkah’s suspicions about the Holy Quran. The Makkan disbelievers regarded the Day of Judgement as an imaginary, which could not possibly happen in fact. In response Allah reveals;

"When the inevitable event will take place, there will be no one to deny its occurrence” (56:1-2)

What is Sura Waqia About?

Sura Waqia explicitly describes the Day of Judgment. At the beginning of this chapter, Allah emphasizes that Resurrection Day is inevitable and shall happen.

The surah explains that people will be categorized into three groups. These three kinds of people will have distinct conditions, punishments, and rewards based on their deeds performed in this life. The three groups are;

  1. The Forerunners– (The Most Pious Ones)
  2.  The people of the right–(The People of Paradise)
  3. The people on the left—(People Destined With Punishment)

The Forerunners

The forerunners are the most pious beings. They will be ranked high among the believers due to their deeds and belief in Allah. These people will be the first to enter the paradise.

وَٱلسَّـٰبِقُونَ ٱلسَّـٰبِقُونَ (56:10)

“And the foremost in faith will be the foremost in Paradise” (56:10)

The People of The Right

The people of the right will be most blessed. The account of their deeds will be given on the right hand. These are people who believed in Allah and embraced Tawheed. For them, there are divine rewards. Their final destination is Jannah (paradise).

فَأَصْحَـٰبُ ٱلْمَيْمَنَةِ مَآ أَصْحَـٰبُ ٱلْمَيْمَنَةِ (56:8)

“The people of the right, how blessed will they be” (56:8)

The People on The Left

The people of the left will be more miserable. They are the people who deny the message of Allah and involved in committing sins. They will be destined with appalling punishment, scorching wind, and boiling water. Their ultimate destination is the scorching hell (Jahannum).

وَأَصْحَـٰبُ ٱلْمَشْـَٔمَةِ مَآ أَصْحَـٰبُ ٱلْمَشْـَٔمَةِ  (56:9)

“The people of the left, how miserable will they be” (56:9)

Significance of Surah e Waqiah

Every chapter of the Quran possesses gems of wisdom. Surah e Waqiah is the important surah that reminds readers about the authenticity of the Day of Judgment and the resurrection of human beings. It teaches and warns against the result of bad deeds and proclaims pleasing tidings for believers. Every verse of Surah Al Waqiah teaches that everything in this world is mortal and we have to return to Allah. It emphasizes that the only thing that truly matters in life is our relationship with Allah. Recitation of this Surah increases wealth according to Hadith

Significance of Surah e Waqiah every verse of Surah Al Waqiah teaches us about the people of right hand and the people of left hand

Surah Waqiah Benefits

Surah Waqiah benefits are countless and unimaginable. With deep spiritual significance and numerous rewards, it serves to establish a deep connection with the creator. Some of the benefits of Sura Waqia are mentioned below.

Surat Al Waqiah Prevents From Poverty. 

Surat Al Waqiah is considered the Surah of wealth and sustenance. The recitation of this chapter increases wealth and sustenance. It prevents the readers from the curse of poverty. The Holy Prophet (Saw) said that;

Surah Waqiah will become a protection from poverty for the one who recites it every night” (Lisanul Mizan, no: 8902)

In another Hadith, the Prophet says:

“Surah Waqiah is the surah of wealth, so recite it and teach it to your children.” (Ibn Asakir)

Surah Wakia Reminds the Day of Judgment

The basic theme of Surah Wakia is the Day of Judgment. Allah has explicitly described the last day in this chapter. It reminds readers of the appalling consequences of sins. This chapter helps believers abstain the wrongdoings and return to the right path by following Allah’s command

Surat al Waqiah Appeases Believers

Allah mentions the categories of people who will face the consequences of their doings on the last day in Surat al Waqiah. God Almighty has frightful rewards for non-believers. On the other hand, Sura Waqia appeases the believers with the divine reward of paradise and Allah’s mercy.

Surat Wakiya Is The Source of Reflection

Surat Wakiya encourages us to reflect on the signs of Allah and the marvels of the His creation. It prompts individuals to contemplate their existence and the purpose of life. It reminds the reader that everything in this universe is mortal and has to present ourselves in front of Allah to be held accountable for our doings.


Surah Waqiah with rhythmic words enlightens us about the certainty of the Day of Resurrection and provides us the opportunity to reflect on the realities of his mortal world and the world hereafter. Incorporating the message of this Surah into our daily lives enriches us spiritually and financially.

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