What are the 6 Pillars of Iman

What are the 6 Pillars of Iman?

Written by Equranekareem • Oct 11, 2024
What are the 6 pillars of Iman by eQuranekareem

Islam is one of the world’s big religions. It’s based on believing in some important ideas. The most important beliefs in Islam are called the ‘6 Pillars of Iman.’ These beliefs are like the building blocks of Islam, and every Muslim cares a lot about them. Therefore, these beliefs not only show Muslims how to think about the world but also help them know how to act and be devoted to their faith.

Hence, we will explain each of these beliefs in simple terms to understand the core of the Islamic faith better.

Why Are The 6 Pillars Of Iman Important

The 6 Pillars of Iman are greatly significant for Muslims. They form the foundation of one’s faith and identity as a believer in Allah. Likewise, belief in all six pillars is compulsory for one to be considered a true Muslim. They shape core Islamic doctrine and worldview. Practicing Islam revolves around proper faith in these fundamentals. Moreover, you may also learn the Islamic supplications to get the blessings of Allah(SWT). 

Additionally, devoting oneself to these pillars earns divine rewards both in this life and the hereafter. Therefore, having deep conviction in the 6 Pillars of Iman is extremely important in the religion of Islam.


امَنْتُ بِاللهِ وَمَلئِكَتِه وَكُتُبِه وَرَسُوْلِه وَالْيَوْمِ الْاخِرِ وَالْقَدْرِ خَيْرِه وَشَرِّه مِنَ اللهِ تَعَالى وَالْبَعْثِ بَعْدَالْمَوْتِ

“I believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His Messenger, the Last Day, and the destiny of good and evil from Allah, the Exalted, and the Hereafter.”

6 Pillars Of Faith In Islam

6 pillars of Faith in Islam by eQuranekareem

In Islam, the 6 pillars of faith are fundamental beliefs that form the core of a Muslim’s religious convictions. These pillars of faith are as follows:

Belief In Allah (God)

The belief in the oneness of Allah is the most fundamental pillar. Muslims believe in one God, Allah, who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and merciful.

Belief In Angels

Muslims believe in the existence of angels as celestial beings created by Allah to carry out His commands, record human deeds, and deliver messages to prophets.

Belief In The Divine Book

 This pillar entails believing in the divine books revealed by Allah to guide humanity, including the Quran.

Belief In Prophets

Muslims believe in various messengers sent by God throughout the past. Moreover, it includes Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jesus, Moses, and Muhammad(PBUH).

Belief In The Day Of Judgment

 Muslims believe in a Day of Judgment when all individuals will be resurrected and held accountable for their deeds, leading to either eternal paradise or punishment.

Belief In Predestination (Qadar)

The six pillars of faith involve believing in Allah’s divine decree and predestination, acknowledging that everything happens according to Allah’s will and plan.

These six pillars of faith serve as the foundation of Islamic belief and practice, guiding the lives of Muslims and providing a framework for their relationship with Allah and fellow human beings.

Benefits Of Believing In 6 Pillars Of Imaan 

Believing in the Six Pillars of Imaan (faith) in Islam carries numerous benefits for individuals and communities:

Spiritual Fulfillment

Accepting these pillars provides a profound sense of spiritual fulfillment, connecting individuals to a higher purpose and the divine. Believers find meaning and direction in their lives through these core beliefs.

Moral Guidance

The six pillars of Iman offer a clear moral compass, guiding individuals toward ethical behavior, kindness, and compassion. This helps create a just and harmonious society.

Unity And Community

These shared beliefs unite Muslims around the world, fostering a strong sense of community and brotherhood/sisterhood among believers. This sense of belonging offers support and a sense of security.


Belief in the Day of Judgment and Predestination encourages perseverance in the face of adversity. It helps individuals remain patient and hopeful, knowing that ultimate justice will prevail.


The belief in accountability on the Day of Judgment reinforces personal responsibility. It motivates individuals to lead virtuous lives, as they know they will be answerable for their actions.

Coping Mechanism

These beliefs can serve as a source of solace during difficult times, providing comfort and strength when facing life’s challenges.

Guidance For Decision-Making

The pillars offer a framework for making ethical decisions in various aspects of life, from business transactions to family matters, ensuring that one’s choices align with Islamic values.

Connection to Prophetic Traditions

Believing in the Prophets and Divine Books fosters a connection to the teachings and wisdom of these messengers, allowing individuals to draw inspiration and guidance from their stories and teachings.

Cultural Identity

The six pillars of Iman often form a crucial part of a Muslim’s cultural and social identity, contributing to a strong sense of identity and heritage.

Eternal Reward

Belief in the ultimate reward of paradise for those who lead righteous lives serves as a powerful incentive for Muslims to do good, seek knowledge, and perform acts of charity and kindness.


The Six Pillars of Imaan are the foundational beliefs in Islam that hold immense significance for Muslims and their communities. These pillars offer spiritual fulfillment, moral guidance, and a sense of unity among believers. They impart a strong sense of accountability and personal responsibility, encouraging virtuous living. Belief in these pillars also provides comfort during challenging times and serves as a source of cultural identity.  Thus, you may join eQuranekareem online Quran academy to learn the Quran online with expert tutors.


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