Dua For Fasting

Dua For Fasting In Ramadan

Written by Equranekareem • Sep 4, 2024
Dua For Fasting In Ramadan

“Fasting Prayer is an obligatory prayer of Islam”
This is the fourth pillar of Islam. “Fasting prayer” is practiced from dawn to dusk. It comes from the Arabic word “Sawm” and in this, the individual practices hunger and thirst and abstains from wrongdoings.

The dua for fasting is necessary if one intends to keep fast according to the method of Sunnah and Islam. Any of the Fasting dua is not mandatory to read or there is no obligation about it according to the Hadith reference rather to practice it is beneficial.

The Prophet(S.A.W) also practices different Arabic phrases or dua for fasting during Ramadan. These different supplications are practiced by Islamic scholars and they also foster to practice of these while closing or opening fast.

These fasting prayers are not too lengthy and to understand and learn these supplications, we present the “dua for opening fast, dua after breaking fast, and dua for closing fast” with translation, transliteration, and their details in an interesting way. Let’s explore this short and amazing journey through this blog!

Dua For Closing Fast

Muslims recite this dua for closing fast to affirm their intentions about keeping fast during Ramadan. They confirm their obedience and seek Allah’s guidance for staying persistent to fulfill the sawm prayer until dusk.

Dua For Closing Fast

Muslims frequently recite the following short “Ramadan suhoor dua” to make a strong intention to fast in the blessed month of Ramadan. This dua is also known as “Sehri dua” or “Ramadan Suhoor Dua” where the word “Sehri” means “The meal of morning or Dawn that is consumed by Muslims to keep fast”.

The Dua for Closing Fast in Ramadan:

The dua for closing fast in Ramadan in Arabic is given as;

وَبِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَّوَيْتُ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ

Dua To Close Fast In Ramadan With Transliteration:

The dua to close fast in Ramadan is narrated with English transliteration, so that it may enhance your reciting skills.

“Wa bisawmi ghadin nawaytu min shahri Ramadan”

Dua To Close Fast In Ramadan With Translation:

The dua to close fast in Ramadan is mentioned here in English translation to improve your understanding of this sehri dua Ramadan. The translation is;

“I intend to keep the fast for tomorrow in the month of Ramadan”

Benefits Of Ramadan Sehri Dua:

There are some amazing benefits of reciting “Ramadan Sehri dua”. These are described below;

Benefits Of Ramadan Sehri Dua

Submission To Allah’s Will

When a Muslim keeps fast and recites the Ramadan intention dua for fast then it is a confirmation of obedience to the Will of Allah. It is a self-declaration of one’s belief in Allah-The Most Compassionate. This improves and maximizes the strength of belief in Allah and also Allah loves this action and blesses the man with blessing for Ramadan.

Infinite Blessings Of Allah

When a Muslim keeps fast and recites the Ramadan intention dua for fast then it is a confirmation of obedience to the Will of Allah. It is a self-declaration of one’s belief in Allah-The Most Compassionate. This improves and maximizes the strength of belief in Allah and also Allah loves this action and blesses the man with blessing for Ramadan.

Fortifying The Power Of Emaan

The recitation of dua for sehri in Ramadan brings a spiritual benefit to Muslims which is the strength and power of Eman. The “Niyah” or the “Ramadan intention dua” for a fast strengthens the Iman. The actions are dependent on the intentions and when a Muslim makes an intention to keep fast, it shows that he/she has a strong Iman on Allah that HE(The Almighty) will surely guide and help His mankind in every matter of life.

Embracing the Value of Sehri Blessed Hour

Sehri time is the blessed hour and is a way to increase the spiritual connection with Allah. The dua for starting fast in Ramadan adds the value of self-control and self-acknowledgment throughout the day which refrains the person from distractions towards false doings. Hazrat Muhammad(SAW) said;

“On the authority of Anas bin Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, he said: The Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family”, said:

تَسَحَّرُوا فَإِنَّ فِي السَّحُوْرِ بَرَکَةً
“Have suhoor, for there is a blessing in suhoor”.
[Al-Bukhari in Al-Sahih, The Book of Fasting, Chapter on the Blessing of Suhoor, 2/678, No: 1823]

This is the blessed hour and at this time Allah’s mercy and blessing powers are at their peak. Whoever asks for anything in his/her worldly or eternal life at this time, Allah(SWT) surely accept that prayer.

Fostering Humanity & Family Brotherly Ties

The sehri dua Ramadan also inculcates the value of unity, brotherhood, and humanity in the Muslim community. The sehri dua is recited in the time of sehri which fosters mutual understanding and enhances positivity among the entire Muslim society. During this time, all the Muslim families incorporate the gatherings for this meal and then recite the dua for sehri in Ramadan which is the source for reviving the family’s brotherhood.

Dua For Breaking Fast

Dua For Breaking Fast

For breaking the fast, Muslims recite dua for breaking fast at dusk. When the maghrib Adhaan starts, the Muslims break their fast with the recitation of the dua for iftar.

This dua is also known as the “dua for Ramadan iftar”, in which “iftar” means the “time for having a meal with breaking fast at the time of sunset”.

The dua to break Ramadan fast is of great worth in Islam, though it is not obligatory to recite it is fostered by religious Islamic scholars. According to them, to say the words of gratitude at the time of iftar or breaking fast is highly likable by the Almighty Allah.

Dua For Breaking Fast In Ramadan

The dua for breaking fast in Ramadan in Arabic is given as;

اللُّهُمَّ اِنِّى لَكَ صُمْتُ وَبِكَ امنْتُ وَعَليكَ تَوَكَّلتُ وَ عَلى رِزْقِكَ اَفْطَرْتُ

Dua To Break Ramadan Fast With Transliteration

The dua to break Ramadan fast is mentioned here in English transliteration which will enhance your readability. The dua is given as;

“Allahumma inni laka sumtu wa bika aamantu wa alayka tawakkaltu wa ala rizq-ika-aftartu”

Dua Ramadan Breaking Fast With Translation

The dua ramadan breaking fast is also presented in English translation to improve your understanding and it will also help you in quick learning and memorization of this dua.
The translation of dua Ramadan breaking fast is given as;

“O Allah, I fasted for You and I believe in You and I break my fast with Your sustenance”.

Benefits Of Dua For Opening Fast

The benefits of dua for opening fast in Ramadan are described below:

Benefits Of Dua For Opening Fast

Value Of Gratitude

Muslims break fast at the time of Maghrib Adhaan and recite the dua for opening fast in Ramadan. The recitation of this dua adds a sense of gratitude in an individual when he opens the fast with water and food. He/She thanks Allah for His abundance of blessings and they eat the iftar meal with a feeling of gratitude in front of Allah.

Seeking Allah’s Help For Persistence in Iman

Dua for breaking fast in Ramadan is also a way of seeking Allah’s guidance for staying stuck to the Iman. Its recitation leads to the value of acceptance of Allah’s strength and command over everything. A person accepts with his/her heart and soul that only Allah is the one Who commands the whole universe.

Seeking Acceptance Of Fasting

A person reciting the dua for iftar Ramadan at the time of opening fast is seeking the acceptance of fasting prayer in front of Allah. This is a great way of making Allah happy with your fasting in Ramadan, as you assure that Allah’s will matters only if you offer and your prayer is not according to Allah’s will then it’s of no use at all!

Seeking Protection From Evil

The dua for Ramadan iftar is a source of requesting Allah for safety from indulging in bad actions. Allah Has set some limitations for the fast of Ramadan, if a person does not follow these limitations then the fast will not be acceptable by Allah Pak. So, doing wrong things that can break the fast should be avoided and for that purpose – one should seek protection by reciting the Ramadan iftar dua.

Acknowledgment Of Allah’s Bounties

One who practices Ramadan fast opening dua at the time of iftar is getting an acknowledgment of the fact that Allah Has blessed human beings with unlimited bounties. Without Allah’s blessings, one could not even able of taking a single breath. So, this dua is very beneficial!

Learn Dua Of Fasting Online

Grab the golden opportunity to learn and memorize the Dua for fasting in Ramadan with us! We are providing certified and experienced online Quran teachers(male/female) with exclusive Islamic, Quranic, and Arabic courses.

Make Ramadan 2024 your transformation journey towards Islam with us!

Bottom Line

The dua of closing fast enhances the value of obedience and submission in front of Allah (SWT). It is recited to seek strength, patience, and persistency while keeping fast according to the will of Allah.

Whereas, the dua for opening fast promotes the value of gratitude, acknowledging Allah’s infinite blessings, and care for the ones who do not have enough food or water as in their basic needs to survive.

In this blog, we described the Ramadan fasting dua with every aspect so that you better know the significance and benefits of reciting these Ramadan prayers in this holy month of blessings!

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